Jeremy Detina books & textbook
Brady Street Banter (Milwaukee newspaper), no. 1 (October 25, 2020) (The Protest Issue: Who Are the Brady St. Beat Police?; Protest Memoirs; Kyle Rittenhouse & Kenosha)
Dylan Trapp Jeremy Detina Payne Counihan Dylan Trapp
Brady Street Banter /2020T Single Issue Magazine / 16 Pages
Duomo: A Bi Annual Arts Publication, New Work from UW Milwaukee Students, vol. IV (4) (2016), with Jessica Hans, LaNia Sproles, Kyle Seis, Andy Heck Boyd interviews
Jacob Salzer Emma Smith Ethan Kastner Becca Hahn Anwar Floyd-Pruitt Jeremy Detina Nicholas Perry Rielly Heintz Madison Crouch Sandy Manikowski Melissa Mursch Natasha Woods Rebecca Jeanson Maddie Honeck-Stocking Morgan Kaskowski
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee /2016T Journal