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Jensen, Mogens H. books & textbook

Dynamical Systems Approach to Turbulence (Cambridge Nonlinear Science Series, Series Number 8)

Bohr, Tomas  Jensen, Mogens H.  Paladin, Giovanni  Vulpiani, Angelo  

Cambridge University Press /2005-08-22 Paperback / 372 Pages
isbn-10: 0521017947 / isbn-13: 9780521017947

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The dynamic system device in the rapid flow research (Chinese edidion) Pinyin: tuan liu yan jiu zhong di dong li xi tong fang fa

Tomas Bohr  Mogens H. Jensen  Giovanni Paladin  Angelo Vulpiani  

shi jie tu shu chu ban gong si /2012-12-20 Paperback
isbn-10: 7510046300 / isbn-13: 9787510046308

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