James McConkey Robinson books & textbook
Trajectories through early Christianity
Fortress Press /1971T Paperback / 297 Pages
isbn-10: 0800600584 / isbn-13: 9780800600587
A New Quest of the Historical Jesus
Robinson, James M (James McConkey)
Hassell Street Press /2021-09-10 Paperback / 136 Pages
isbn-10: 1015271634 / isbn-13: 9781015271630
The Beginnings of Dialectic Theology
John Knox Press /1968T Hardcover
The Nag Hammadi codices: A general introduction to the nature and significance of the Coptic Gnostic Library from Nag Hammadi : official catalogue of the Nag Hammadi exhibit
Institute for Antiquity and Christianity /1977T Paperback / 18 Pages
A new quest of the historical Jesus and other essays
Fortress Press /1983T Paperback / 215 Pages
isbn-10: 0800616987 / isbn-13: 9780800616984
The Problem of History in Mark / James M. Robinson
Robinson, James McConkey (1924-)
London : S. C. M. Press /1957T Paperback
A New Quest of the Historical Jesus (Studies in Biblical Theology No. 25)
SCM Press /1966-01-01 Paperback / 128 Pages
The Coptic Gnostic library today (Occasional papers / Institute for Antiquity and Christianity)
Institute for Antiquity and Christianity /1968T Unknown Binding
Theology as history (New frontiers in theology; discussions among Continental and American theologians)
Harper & Row /1967T Hardcover / 276 Pages
Messiasgeheimnis und Geschichtsverständnis: Zur Gattungsgeschichte des Markus-Evangeliums (Theologische Bücherei) (German Edition)
Kaiser /1989T Perfect Paperback / 158 Pages
isbn-10: 3459018240 / isbn-13: 9783459018246