Jacoby, Mr. Joseph books & textbook
A Post-War Promise Kept: Growing Up in Euclid, Ohio in the 1950's
Pfriem, David C Kresge, Mrs. Mary Pfriem, Mrs. Patti Jacoby, Mr. Joseph O'Shannon, Mr. Dan
Independently published /2019-11-25 Paperback / 223 Pages
isbn-10: 1705967272 / isbn-13: 9781705967270
The Collection: A Tribute to Lucille Bessie Mae Nickerson
Nickerson, Keith Joseph Nickerson, Keith Joseph Leblanc, Ms. Carolyn Ann Guidry, Mr. Jacoby Gerard Nickerson, Ms. Lucille Bessie Mae Polidore, Mr. Seanathan Quinn
Independently published /2021-10-11 Hardcover / 245 Pages
The Way We Were: A Historical Chronology
Nickerson, Mr. Keith Joseph Leblanc, Carolyn Ann Guidry, Jacoby Gerard Juarez, Maricela
Independently published /2018-03-07 Paperback / 444 Pages
isbn-10: 1521367337 / isbn-13: 9781521367339
The Kee-Toe Saga: Book 4 of 24
Nickerson, Keith Joseph Leblanc, Ms. Carolyn Ann Shockley, Mr. Wayne Guidry, Mr. Jacoby Gerard Williams, Mr. Gregg
Independently published /2019-10-17 Paperback / 27 Pages
isbn-10: 1698141343 / isbn-13: 9781698141343
The Kee - Toe Saga: Part VI
Nickerson I, Mr. Keith Joseph Nickerson I, Mr. Keith Joseph Leblanc, Miss Carolyn Ann Guidry, Mr. Jacoby Gerard Shockley, Mr. Wayne Polidore, Mr. Seanathan Quinn
Independently published /2020-07-11 Paperback / 26 Pages
isbn-10: 1698147821 / isbn-13: 9781698147826
The Kee - Toe Saga: Book XII of 24
Nickerson, Mr. Keith Joseph Nickerson, Mr. Keith Joseph Leblanc, Miss Carolyn Ann Shockley, Mr. Wayne SIMMS, MR. GLEN RAYMOND Guidry, Mr. Jacoby Gerard
Independently published /2021-05-19 Paperback / 28 Pages
isbn-10: 1709429496 / isbn-13: 9781709429491
Nickerson, Keith Joseph Leblanc, Carolyn Ann Courville, Mr. Crowley Guidry, Jacoby Gerard
Independently published /2021-10-06 Hardcover / 456 Pages
The Silent Scream Trilogy: Part One - Complete Fear
NICKERSON I, Mr. KEITH JOSEPH Leblanc, Carolyn Ann Barry, Jack Guidry, Jacoby Gerard Juarez, Maricela
Independently published /2021-10-04 Hardcover / 424 Pages
The Hidden - An Octology: Part 1
Nickerson I, Mr. Keith Joseph Leblanc, Miss Carolyn Ann Guidry, Mr. Jacoby Gerard Nickerson, Mr. Marcus Lane
Independently published /2021-10-09 Hardcover / 401 Pages
The Kee - Toe Saga: Book IX of 24
Nickerson, Mr. Keith Joseph Nickerson, Mr. Keith Joseph Leblanc, Miss Carolyn Ann Shockley, Mr. Wayne Guidry, Mr. Jacoby Gerard Polidore, Mr. Seanathan Quinn
Independently published /2021-04-05 Paperback / 28 Pages
isbn-10: 1703354923 / isbn-13: 9781703354928