Jackson, Professor Michael D. books & textbook
Evolution, Games, and God: The Principle of Cooperation
Nowak, Martin A. Coakley, Sarah Almenberg, Johan Brooke, John Hedley Clayton, Philip Curtis, Heather D. Dixon, Thomas Dreber, Anna Fisher, Justin C. Hall, Ned Hauert, Christoph Hauser, Marc D. Jackson, Timothy P. Johnson Alistair Buchan Professor of International Relations Department of Politics and International Relations, Dominic D. P. Kosslyn, Stephen M. Lee, Maurice Lohmann, Friedrich Porter, Jean Pruss, Alexander Rota, Michael Schloss, Jeffrey P.
Harvard University Press /2013-05-07 Hardcover / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 0674047974 / isbn-13: 9780674047976
Harmattan: A Philosophical Fiction (Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture)
Columbia University Press /2015-04-21 Paperback / 192 Pages
isbn-10: 0231172354 / isbn-13: 9780231172356
The Varieties of Temporal Experience: Travels in Philosophical, Historical, and Ethnographic Time
Columbia University Press /2018-04-10 Hardcover / 320 Pages
isbn-10: 0231186002 / isbn-13: 9780231186001
Alabama Governors: A Political History of the State
Webb, Samuel L. Armbrester, Professor Margaret E. Brewer, Albert P. Eskew, Glenn T. Rogers, William Warren Grafton, Carl Feldman, Glenn Harvey, Gordon E. Bailey, Hugh C. Flynt, Wayne Wiggins, Sarah Woolfolk Amos Doss, Harriet E. Rogers Jr, William Warren Jackson III, Harvey H. Atkins, Leah Rawls Thornton III, J. Mills Breedlove, Michael McKiven, Henry Mel Ward, Robert David Stewart, William H. McDaniel, Mary Jane Allen, Lee Bass, Jonathan Permaloff, Anne Rikard, Marlene Hunt Pruitt Jr. Jr. PhD, Dr. Paul M. Carter III, Kit Carson Dupre, Daniel Mayfield, John Fitzgerald, Michael W. Perman, Michael Alsobrook, David E. Harris, D. Alan Rosenburg, Randy B. Barney, William
University Alabama Press /2001-05-21 Hardcover / 312 Pages
isbn-10: 0817310827 / isbn-13: 9780817310820
African Islands: Leading Edges of Empire and Globalization (Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora, 83)
Falola, Professor Toyin Parrott, R. Joseph Sanchez, Danielle Porter Jackson, Ashley Martin, Carla D. Sanchez, Danielle Porter Regnier, Denis Somda, Dominique Alpers, Edward A. Okenve, Enrique N. Seibert, Gerhard Pérez, Germán Santana Walker, Iain Prestholdt, Jeremy Forrest, Joshua Bernard Lambek, Michael Ugarte, Michael Parrott, R. Joseph Richard B. Allen, Richard B. Falola, Professor Toyin Bissell, William
University of Rochester Press /2019-06-20 Hardcover / 440 Pages
isbn-10: 158046954X / isbn-13: 9781580469548
Understanding, Dismantling, and Disrupting the Prison-to-School Pipeline
Fasching-Varner University of Nevada Las, Kenneth J. Martin author of Racial Realism, Lori Latrice Mitchell, Roland W. Bennett-Haron, Karen Daneshzadeh, Arash Alexander, Sheree N. Arredondo, Mariella I. Bernstein-Danis, Tabetha Castek, Jill Chandler, Jahaan Clark professor & senior schola, Christine Ford Distinguished Professor of Education and Human Ecology Kirwan Institute Fa, Donna Y. Goings, Ramon B. Green, Dari Guerrero, Irvin Hollar, Jim Hollar, Jesslyn Jackson, Melinda Jacobs, Gloria E. Jennings, Michael E. Jones, Kelsey M. King, Runell J. Landry-Thomas, Kerii Lozenski, Brian D. Ortiz, Kasim Pulley, Tifanie W. Pyscher, Tracey M. Schilmoller, Janessa Seaberry, Michael J. Sirrakos, George Skiba, Russell J. Wade, Devon Walls, Tonya Whiting, Gilman W. Williams, Natasha Withers, Elizabeth Washington, Ahmad
Lexington Books /2016-12-06 Hardcover / 290 Pages
isbn-10: 1498534945 / isbn-13: 9781498534949
As Wide as the World Is Wise: Reinventing Philosophical Anthropology
Columbia University Press /2016-09-06 Hardcover / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 023117828X / isbn-13: 9780231178280
The Tikkun Reader
Lerner president of Commonweal a, Michael Adler Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, Rachel Bauman Universities of Leeds and Warsaw, Zygmunt Berrigan, Daniel Brown, Cherie Campolo professor of sociology E, Tony Capra, Fritjof Chernin, Kim Chopra, Deepak Cox, Harvey Das, Lama Etzioni professor George Washington University; founder of the Society for the Adv, Amitai Ferrer, Jorge Fink, Nan Frankel, Estelle Frankenthal, Yitzhak Gabel, Peter Goldhagen, Daniel Gottlieb, Roger Green, Arthur Inchausti, Robert Kimbrell, Andrew Kimmel SUNY Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies Stony Brook U, Michael Korten, David Langer, Lawrence L. Lears, Jackson Levinson, Julian Matt, Daniel Merkin, Daphne Nimer, Mohammed Plaskow, Judith Primack, Joel Rose, Or Schell, Jonathan Schneider author of Existential-Humanistic Therapy, Kirk Schorsch, Jonathan Setton, Ruth Shiva Indian scholar and environmental activist, Dr. Vandana Sullivan, William Wallis president and founder Sojourners, Jim Walsch, Neale Waskow, Rabbi Arthur West Union Theological Seminar, Cornel Winkler Ph.D. author of Magic of the Ordinary, Rabbi Gershon Wolf, Naomi
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2006-10-09 Hardcover / 376 Pages
isbn-10: 0742546810 / isbn-13: 9780742546813
Alabama Governors: A Political History of the State
Webb, Samuel L. Armbrester, Professor Margaret E. Brewer, Albert P. Armbrester, Professor Margaret E. Webb, Samuel L. Alsobrook, David E. Atkins, Leah Rawls Bailey, Hugh C. Bass, Jonathan Breedlove, Michael Carter III, Kit Carson Doss Ph.D., Dr. Harriet E. Amos Dupre, Daniel Eskew, Glenn T. Feldman, Glenn Fitzgerald, Michael W. Flynt, Wayne Grafton, Carl Harvey, Gordon E. Jackson III, Harvey H. Mayfield, John McDaniel, Mary Jane McKiven, Henry Mel Permaloff, Anne Perman, Michael Pruitt Jr., Paul M. Rikard, Marlene Hunt Rogers, William Warren Rogers Jr, William Warren Rosenburg, Randy B. Stewart, William H. Thornton III, J. Mills Ward, Robert David Wiggins, Sarah Woolfolk Allen, Lee Harris, D. Alan
University Alabama Press /2014-08-31 Hardcover / 384 Pages
isbn-10: 0817318437 / isbn-13: 9780817318437
Criminal Law in Hong Kong (Hong Kong University Press Law Series)
Hong Kong University Press /2001-12-11 Paperback / 432 Pages
isbn-10: 9622095585 / isbn-13: 9789622095588