JOHNSON, Robert Underwood & BUEL, Clarence Clough (eds) books & textbook
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. 4 Volume set complete.
Johnson, Robert Underwood.; Clarence Clough Buel, (eds .) b/w Illustration....
Thomas Yoseloff /1956T Hardcover
From Sumter To Shiloh Battle of TH Volume 1
Johnson, Robert Underwood and Clarence Clough Buel, eds.
Yoseloff /1956T Hardcover / 750 Pages
Battles & Leaders of the Civil War Being for the Most Part Contributions by Union & Copnfederate Officers Based Upon The Century War Series. Four Volume Boxed Set
Robert Underwood & Clarence Clough Buel (eds.) Roy F. Nichols (new intro.) Johnson
Yoseloff, c.1956, /1956-01-01 Hardcover
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War : Being for the Most Part Contributions by Union and Confederate Officers Vol. 3 , Retreat from Gettysburg.
Robert. Clough Buel Clarence (eds.) Underwood Johnson
New York : Castle Books 0 / Hardcover
Battles and leaders of the Civil War, volume III
JOHNSON, Robert Underwood & BUEL, Clarence Clough (eds)
Thomas Yoseloff /1956T Hardcover / 752 Pages