Illustrated by Tarrant, Margaret W. books & textbook
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Carroll, Lewis; Illustrated By Tarrant, Margaret W. Tarrant, Margaret W.
Ward, Lock & Co. /1946T Hardcover / 332 Pages
The Wild-Fruit Fairies
Marion St. John Webb. Illustrated By Margaret W. Tarrant
The Modern Art Society Ltd /1920T Hardcover
Hans Andersen's Fairy Stories (The Prince Charming Colour Books for Children Series)
Hans Christian Andersen, illustrated by Margaret W Tarrant:
London: Ward, Lock & co, no date [c. 1950]. /1950T Hardcover
The Gentle Heritage
Crompton, Frances E. Illustrated by Tarrant, Margaret W.
Ward, Lock & Company , Limited /1920T Hardcover