Howard Mackie Sam Kieth. books & textbook
Marvel Comics Presents No.96
tmothy truman(wolverine-wild frontier part 4 of 6);susan kennedy/gavin curtis(nova-and ye shall remember this part 4 of 4);howard mackie(ghost rider/cableservants of the dead part 7 of 8);scott lobdell(speedball) sam kieth(covers);todd foxx/gary kwapisz(wolverine-wild frontier part 4 of 6);gavin curtis/ian akin(nova-and ye shall remember this part 4 of 4);guang yap/bud larosa(ghost rider/cable-servants of the dead , 7 of 8);dennis jensen/don hudson(speedball)
marvel comics /1991T Comic / 32 Pages
Marvel Comics Presents #100 Wolverine / Ghost Rider
Howard Mackie Sam Kieth Tim Vigil.
Marvel Comics /1992-01-01 Comic
Marvel Comics Presents 120
Howard Mackie Sam Kieth Dwayne Turner Paula Fox Mark Powers Tim Tuohy Ed Murr Chris Ivy Paula Foye Alexander Morrissey Ken Branch
Marvel Comics /1993T Comic
Marvel Comics Presents #122 Wolverine - Nightmare's End
Howard Mackie Sam Kieth. Fabian Nicieza Paris Karounos Ken Branch. Paula Foye Alexander Morrissey Ken Branch Tim Tuohy.
Marvel Comics /1993-01-01 Paperback
Marvel Comics Presents No. 100
howard mackie sam kieth,tim vigil
marvel comics /1992T Comic / 32 Pages