Henderson, Junius books & textbook
Ethnozoology of the Tewa Indians
University of California Libraries /1914-01-01 Paperback / 100 Pages
ETHNOZOOLOGY Of The TEWA INDIANS. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 56.
Junius Henderson and John Peabody Harrington
Government Printing Office /1914T Hardcover
Economic Mammalogy [Original Edition]
Charles C Thomas / Unknown Binding
Physiography of the Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico, in relation to Pueblo Culture
Hewett, Edgar Lee; Junius Henderson; Wilfred William Robbins
Government Printing Office /1913T Hardcover
University of Colorado Bulletin, Vol. XIII, No. 4: The Practical Value of Birds
Leopold Classic Library /2017-06-26 Paperback / 56 Pages
Smithsonian Inst Proc /1908T Pamphlet
The Cretaceous Formations of Northeastern Colorado and The Foothills Formations of North-Central Colorado, 1920, Bulletin, Bulletin 19 : 98 pages with 1 plate and 11 figures.
Colorado State Geological Survey /1920-01-01 Paperback
The PHYSIOGRAPHY Of The RIO GRANDE VALLEY, NEW MEXICO, In RELATION To PUEBLO CULTURE. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 54.
Hewett, Edgar Lee, Junius Henderson, Wilfred William Robbins - Contributors.
United States Government Printing Office, /1913T Hardcover
Ethnozoology of the Tewa Indians Volume 1
Ulan Press /2012-08-31 Paperback / 102 Pages