Held J.r, John books & textbook
Oh! Margy !: A woman from the twenties. Edition 1925.
Held J.r, John Restore, Comic Books
Independently published /2024-03-30 Paperback / 52 Pages
The works of John Held J.r: Edition 1931, Restoration 2024
Held J.r, John Restore, Comic Books
Independently published /2024-04-10 Paperback / 89 Pages
Lessons from the Army's Future Combat Systems Program
Pernin, Christopher G. Axelband, Elliot Drezner, Jeffrey A. Dille, Brian B. Gordon IV, John Held, Bruce J. McMahon, K. Scott Perry, Walter L. Rizzi, Christopher Shah, Akhil R. Wilson, Peter A. Sollinger, Jerry M.
RAND Corporation /2013-12-16 Paperback / 372 Pages
isbn-10: 0833076396 / isbn-13: 9780833076397
Principled World Politics: The Challenge of Normative International Relations
Wapner, Paul Ruiz, Lester Edwin J. Bello, Walden Boulding, Elise Broad, Robin Cavanagh, John Doyle, Michael Galtung, Johan HEld, David Johansen, Robert Kaldor, Mary Kothari, Rajni Kratochwil, Friedrich Lifton, Robert Jay Mazrui, Ali A. Mendlovitz, Saul Mittelman, James Nakarada, Radmila Rosenau, James J. Ruiz, Lester Edwin Sakamoto, Yoshikazu Sharoni, Simona Shiva, Vandana Tambe, Ashwini Walker, R.B.J Wapner, Paul
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2000-04-05 Paperback / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 0742500659 / isbn-13: 9780742500655