Hall, Alberta N books & textbook
[Sheet music]: There Was a Goose (Sunday World Music Album: Supplement to The New York World – Sunday, July 22, 1900)
BAUM, L. Frank, words by, and Alberta N. Hall, music by
The George M. Hill co. / The New York World /1900T Paperback
[Sheet music]: Baby Pulled the Pussy's Tail (Sunday World Music Album - Supplement to the New York World)
BAUM, L. Frank, verse by, and Alberta N. Hall, music by
New York World / Geo M. Hill Co /1900T Paperback
The Songs Of Father Goose: For The Kindergarten, The Nursery And The Home (1900)
Baum, Lyman Frank Hall, Alberta N Denslow, William Wallace
Kessinger Publishing /2010-09-10 Hardcover / 88 Pages
isbn-10: 1169687539 / isbn-13: 9781169687530