Gunnar Eliasson books & textbook
Firm Objectives, Controls and Organization: The Use of Information and the Transfer of Knowledge within the Firm (Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation) by Gunnar Eliasson (1995-12-31)
Springer / Hardcover
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Vol. 107, No. 2 (February, 1995)
Vanessa Leal Tavares Barbosa Richard A. Chole William S. Parker Olga Keith Thomas E. Southard Orlando Chevitarese Charles J. Burstone Ceib Phillips David M. Sarver Steven J. Lindauer Bhavna Shroff Jane R. Jakobsen David M. Cummins Willis L. Owen G. Frans Currier Ram S. Nanda Ross H. Tallents Kirk J. Nielson John W. Brand Lars Åke Eliasson John S. Casko T. M. Graber Marco Antonio Almeida James D. Spivey Kenneth E. Krizan Lyna Rogers Raymond P. White Jr Anna Andlin-Sobocki Michael J. Buckley Jeffrey B. Leiss Pauli Kilpelainen Gunnar Paulin
The American Assoc of Orthodontists/Mosby-Year Book, Inc /1995T Journal
Birth, the Life And the Death of Firms
The Radio Institute /2005T Hardcover / 534 Pages
isbn-10: 9175680645 / isbn-13: 9789175680644
The Knowledge Based Information Economy
Eliasson, Gunnar Folster, Stefan Lindberg, Thomas Pousette, Tomas Taymaz, Erol
Coronet Books Inc /1990-01-01 Paperback / 182 Pages
isbn-10: 9172043474 / isbn-13: 9789172043473
Moses Code (The Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research, Research Report No. 36 1989)
James W. Albrecht Fredrik Bergholm Gunnar Eliasson Kenneth A. Hanson Christina Hartler Mats Heiman Thomas Lindberg Gösta Olavi
Industrial Institute fr Economic & Social Research /1989-01-01 Paperback / 354 Pages
isbn-10: 9172043229 / isbn-13: 9789172043220
Policy making in a disorderly world economy (IUI conference reports)
Eliasson, Gunnar; Sharefkin, Mark; Ysander, Bengt-Christer (eds.)
Distributor, Almqvist & Wiksell International /1983T Paperback / 417 Pages
isbn-10: 9172041668 / isbn-13: 9789172041660
Business taxation, finance, and firm behavior: Proceedings of a symposium at IUI, Stockholm, August 28-29, 1978 (IUI conference reports)
Distributor, Almqvist & Wiksell International / Paperback / 435 Pages
isbn-10: 9172041382 / isbn-13: 9789172041387
Micro Simulation: Models, Methods, and Applications (Iui Conference Reports, 1980:1)
Symposium on Micro Simulation Methods (1977 Stockholm, Sweden) Bergmann, Barbara R. Eliasson, Gunnar Orcutt, Guy H. Industriens Utredningsinstitut (Sweden)
Coronet Books Inc / Paperback / 409 Pages
isbn-10: 9172041145 / isbn-13: 9789172041141
Visible Costs and Invisible Benefits: Military Procurement as Innovation Policy (Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation)
Springer /2018-06-22 Paperback / 508 Pages
isbn-10: 3319883607 / isbn-13: 9783319883601
Advanced Public Procurement as Industrial Policy: The Aircraft Industry as a Technical University (Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation, 34)
Springer /2012-05-03 Paperback / 340 Pages
isbn-10: 1461425719 / isbn-13: 9781461425717