Gordon, Edwin E. books & textbook
Learning Sequences in Music: A Contemporary Music Learning Theory 2012 Edition/G2345
G I A Pubns /2011-08-11 Hardcover / 452 Pages
isbn-10: 1579998909 / isbn-13: 9781579998905
Music Play: The Early Childhood Music Curriculum Guide for Parents, Teachers & Caregivers (Jump Right in Perschool)
Bolton, Beth M. Taggart, Cynthia C. Gordon, Edwin E. Valerio, Wendy H. Reynolds, Alison M.
GIA Publications /1998-06-01 Spiral-bound / 139 Pages
isbn-10: 1579990274 / isbn-13: 9781579990275
GIA Publications Music Moves for Piano
Marilyn Lowe In cooperation with Edwin E. Gordon
GIA Publications, Inc. /2008T Spiral-bound / 35 Pages
isbn-10: 1579996981 / isbn-13: 9781579996987
Historical Dictionary of Methodism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series)
Yrigoyen Jr., Charles Warrick, Susan E. Baker, Frank Beasley, John D. Beckerlegge, Oliver A. Brockwell Jr., Charles W. Brown, Joanne Carlson Brown, Kenneth O. Campbell, Barbara E. Carter, David J. Carter, Philip L. Collins, Kenneth J. Cooney, Dudley A.L. Dickerson, Dennis C. Dieter, Melvin E. Dougherty, Mary Agnes Elliot, Daryl M. English, John C. Felton, Gayle Carlton Forbes, Bruce David Forsaith, Peter S. Gorrell, Donald K. Graham, E Dorothy Greet, Kenneth G. Hanson, Frank Hargreaves, John A. Heitzenrater, Richard P. Horton, William D. Knotts, Alice G. Leary, William Lenton, John H. Lovin Cary M. Maguire University Professor of Ethics Emeritus Southern Methodist University, Robin W. McIntosh, Lawrence D. Macquiban, Timothy S.A. Maser, Frederick E. McEllhenney, John G. Monk, Robert C. Newton, John A. Nthamburi, Zablon O'Malley, J Steven Patterson, L Dale Robert, Dana L. Rodd, Cyril S. Rogal, Samuel J. Rose, E Alan Rowe, Kenneth E. Schell, Edwin A. Shaw, Thomas Simmons, Dale H. Simpson, Robert Drew Stein, K James Streiff, Patrick Ph. Strong, Douglas M. Sylvest, Edwin E. Taggart, Norman W. Tudur, Geraint Tuioti, Eteuati L. Turner, John Munsey Vickers, John A. Wakefield, Gordon S. Wallace Jr., Charles Webb, Pauline M. Whiteley, Marilyn Färdig Williams, Robert J. Wingeier-Rayo, Philip
Scarecrow Press /2005-03-16 Hardcover / 472 Pages
isbn-10: 0810854511 / isbn-13: 9780810854512
A Musi Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children
GIA Publications, Inc. /2003T Paperback / 166 Pages
isbn-10: 1579992595 / isbn-13: 9781579992590
The Civil War in Georgia: A New Georgia Encyclopedia Companion
Inscoe, John C. Churella, Albert Elder, Angela Esco Bailey, Anne J. Carey, Anthony Gene Myers, Barton A. Wood, Brad Brown, Brian Stewart, Bruce E. Smith, Bruce Dillman, Caroline Wilkinson, Chris Mohr, Clarence L. Childs, Dan Du, Dan McGee, David Wiggins, David Williams, David S. Williams, David van Tuyll, Debra Wright, Denise Trap, Diane Jackson, Edwin Sammons Jr., Franklin Silliman, Garrett W. Justice, George Schroeder-Lein, Glenna Jones, Gordon L. Whittaker, Heather McAlexander, Hubert H. Ruppersburg, Hugh Carmichael, Jacqueline Miller Turner, James Welborn III, James Atchison, Jarrod Manthorne, Jason Young, Jeffrey Fowler, John D. Hyun, Jun Brackett, Katherine Rohrer, Katherine Bohannon, Keith S. Young, Kevin Osborn, Kyle McCarty, Laura Hill, Laverne Richier, Leah Collins, Levi Frank, Lisa Tendrich Hill Jr., Melvin Wilson III, Robert Davis Jr., Robert Scott McGuire, Samuel B. Vanatta, Sean H. Davis, Stephen Huggins, Stephen Longcrier, Steve O'Donovan, Susan Eva Tome, Vanessa P. Bragg, William Harris Houston, Richard Schmid, Cindy
University of Georgia Press /2011-09-01 Paperback / 312 Pages
isbn-10: 0820339814 / isbn-13: 9780820339818
Music Moves for Piano Book 1 (Book & CD)
2004-01-01 Paperback / 55 Pages
isbn-10: 1579993435 / isbn-13: 9781579993436
Space Audiation
G I A Pubns /2015-04-08 Paperback / 70 Pages
isbn-10: 1622771400 / isbn-13: 9781622771400
Audiate! (Student Book 1)
Enrique Andino Stephen Gunter Michael Weyck Edwin E. Gordon
GIA Publications /2022-03-31 Spiral-bound / 60 Pages
isbn-10: 1622776038 / isbn-13: 9781622776030
Fundamental Tax Reform: Issues, Choices, and Implications (Mit Press)
Diamond, Edward A and Hermena Kelly Research Fellow in Tax Policy John W Zodrow, Professor of Economics and Rice Scholar Baker Institute for Public Policy Rice University George R III, James A Baker Aaron, Henry J Alm, Professor of Economics and Chair Department of Economicssenior Associate International Studies PR James Altshuler, Associate Professor Rosanne Auerbach, Alan J Ballard, Professor Charles L Burman, Senior Fellow Leonard E Chirinko, Robert S Dietz, Robert D Gillis, Malcolm Gordon, Professor of Economics Roger H Gravelle, Jane G Grubert, Harry Gunning, Timothy S Harberger, Distinguished Professor of Economics Arnold C Hassett, Senior Fellow and Director of Economic Policy Studies Kevin A Kniesner, Krisher Professor of Economics PR Senior Research Associate Thomas J Kotlikoff, Laurence J McCaffery, Robert C Packard Trustee Chair in Law and Professor of Law Economics and Political Science Edward J Mieszkowski, Peter Moomau, Pamela Neubig, National Director of Quantitative Economics and Statistics Thomas S Newmark, Kathryn G Poterba, James M Rapson, David Saez, Professor of Economics Emmanuel Shaviro, Wayne Perry Professor of Taxation Daniel Sickles, Professor of Economics Robin Slemrod, Joel Strnad, Charles a Beardsley Professor of Law Jeff Viard, Resident Scholar Alan D Yin, Edwin S Cohen Distinguished Professor of Law & Taxation Class of 1966 Research Professor George Ziliak, Professor and Gatton Endowed Chair in Microeconomics Anddirector James P
MIT Press /2008-04-01 Hardcover / 546 Pages
isbn-10: 0262042479 / isbn-13: 9780262042475