Gaskins, Charles T. books & textbook
Religious Studies, vol. 12, no. 3 (September 1976) (Evelyn Underhill; Death-Blow to Śaṇkara's Non-Dualism?; Religious Experience & Rational Certainty; Intelligibility of Thomistic God; Omniprescience)
Michael Ramsey Betty L. Stafford J. C. S. Wernham Herb Yarvin Robert A. Oakes Leroy T. Howe J. C. A. Gaskin Charles J. Kelly Richard R. La Croix Clement Dore Cyril G. Williams Brenda C. Beamond Illtyd Trethowan H. D. Lewis
Cambridge University Press /1976T Journal / 132 Pages
A Bibliography and Keyword Index of the Biting Midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)
Atchley, William R & Willis W Wirth & Charles T Gaskins & Sandra L Strauss (compilers).
United States Department of Agriculture /1981T Paperback
Bibliography and Keyword-in-Context Index of the Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) from Seventeen Fifty-Eight to Nineteen Seventy-Three
Atchley, Wiliam R. Wirth, Willis W. Gaskins, Charles T.
Texas Tech University Press /1975-01-15 Paperback / 300 Pages
isbn-10: 0896720527 / isbn-13: 9780896720527