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Gary Mangiacopra and Dwight Smith books & textbook

The Universe Wants to Play: The Anomalist 12: A Nonfiction Anthology

Patrick Huyghe  Dennis Stacy  Robert E. Bartholomew  Joseph M. Felser  Hilary Evans  Roger Hart  Gary Mangiacopra  Michael Schmicker  Dwight Smith  Nick Redfern  

Anomalist Books /2006-06-14 Paperback / 212 Pages
isbn-10: 1933665149 / isbn-13: 9781933665146

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Intermediate States: The Anomalist 13

Nick Redfern  Theo Paijmans  Loren Coleman  Ulrich Magin  Mark Macy  Sharon Hill and Victoria Alexander  Cliff Willett and John Reppion  Gary Mangiacopra and Dwight Smith  Patrick Huyghe  Dennis Stacy  

Anomalist Books /2007-10-29 Paperback / 196 Pages
isbn-10: 1933665262 / isbn-13: 9781933665269

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