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Franz Xaver Kappus books & textbook

Letters to a Young Poet (Dover Literature: Poetry)

Rainer Maria Rilke  Reginald Snell  Franz Xaver Kappus  

Dover Publications /2002-05-08 Paperback / 80 Pages
isbn-10: 0486422453 / isbn-13: 9780486422459

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Letters to a Young Poet: With the Letters to Rilke from the ''Young Poet''

Rilke, Rainer Maria  Kappus, Franz Xaver  Searls, Damion  

Liveright /2020-11-10 Hardcover / 176 Pages
isbn-10: 1631497677 / isbn-13: 9781631497674

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Letters to a Young Poet

Rilke, Rainer Maria  Filipski, Soren  Kappus, Franz Xaver  

Hythloday Press /2021-08-20 Hardcover / 75 Pages
isbn-10: 194995711X / isbn-13: 9781949957112

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Briefe an einen jungen Dichter.

Rilke, Rainer Maria  Kappus, Franz Xaver  

Suhrkamp /2000-01-01 Hardcover
isbn-10: 3518220225 / isbn-13: 9783518220221

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Sie sind Viotta! Roman einer Flucht.

Kappus, Franz Xaver:  Kappus, Franz Xaver:  

Berlin: Ullstein 1937. (Ullstein Bücher) /1937T Hardcover


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