Fishman, Joshua books & textbook
Beyond the Four C's: What you should REALLY know before you buy a Diamond
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2014-10-31 Paperback / 184 Pages
isbn-10: 1497509963 / isbn-13: 9781497509962
Reversing Language Shift:Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Assistance to Threatened Languages (Multilingual Matters, 76)
Multilingual Matters /1991-09-05 Paperback / 448 Pages
isbn-10: 1853591211 / isbn-13: 9781853591211
History of the Yiddish Language (English and Yiddish Edition)
Max Weinreich Shlomo Noble Joshua A. Fishman
University of Chicago Press /1980T Hardcover / 833 Pages
isbn-10: 0226886042 / isbn-13: 9780226886046
Language and Nationalism; Two Integrative Essays
Newbury House Pub /1973-06-28 Paperback / 184 Pages
isbn-10: 0912066156 / isbn-13: 9780912066158
Ideology, Society and Language: The Odyssey of Nathan Birnbaum
Karoma Pub /1987T Hardcover / 284 Pages
isbn-10: 0897200829 / isbn-13: 9780897200820
Introduction to Test Construction in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: A Practical Guide
Fishman, Joshua A. Galguera, Tomás
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2003-05-16 Paperback / 176 Pages
isbn-10: 0742525201 / isbn-13: 9780742525207
The Multilingual Apple: Languages in New York City (Contributions to the Sociology of Language)
García, Ofelia Fishman, Joshua A.
De Gruyter Mouton /2001-12-07 Perfect Paperback / 387 Pages
isbn-10: 311017281X / isbn-13: 9783110172812
Can Threatened Languages Be Saved?
Multilingual Matters /2001-01-05 Paperback / 520 Pages
isbn-10: 185359492X / isbn-13: 9781853594922
Handbook of Language and Ethnic Identity: Disciplinary and Regional Perspectives (Volume 1) (Disciplinary & Regional Perspectives)
Fishman, Joshua A. Garcia, Ofelia
Oxford University Press /2010-05-19 Paperback / 584 Pages
isbn-10: 0195374924 / isbn-13: 9780195374926