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Ferdig, Richard E. books & textbook

Society, Culture, and Technology: Ten Lessons for Educators, Developers, and Digital Scientists

Ferdig, Richard E. /2018-04-26 Paperback / 122 Pages
isbn-10: 1387741918 / isbn-13: 9781387741915

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Handbook of Research on K-12 and Blended Learning (Second Edition)

Ferdig, Richard E  Kennedy, Kathryn /2018-04-12 Paperback / 738 Pages
isbn-10: 138770415X / isbn-13: 9781387704156

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Handbook of Research on K-12 Online and Blended Learning

Ferdig, RIchard E.  Kennedy, Kathryn /2014-10-24 Paperback / 540 Pages
isbn-10: 1312587083 / isbn-13: 9781312587083

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Using Technology to Enhance Reading: Innovative Approaches to Literacy Instruction (K-12)

Anthology  Timothy V. Rasinski  Kristine E. Pytash  Richard E. Ferdig  

Solution Tree /2015-03-31 Perfect Paperback / 256 Pages
isbn-10: 1936764997 / isbn-13: 9781936764990

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Exploring Multimodal Composition and Digital Writing (Advances in Multimodal and Interactive Technologies) by Richard E. Ferdig (2013-07-30)

Richard E. Ferdig  

IGI Global / Hardcover


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Handbook of Research on Effective Electronic Gaming in Education Set of 3 by Richard E. Ferdig (2008-08-05)

Richard E. Ferdig  

Information Science Reference / Hardcover


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Generazione Nerd. Gioco, Tecnologia e Immaginario di una Subcultura Mainstream.

Richard E. Ferdig  

Mimesis / Paperback
isbn-10: 8857526178 / isbn-13: 9788857526171

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Using Technology to Enhance Writing: Innovative Approaches to Literacy Instruction

Anthology of 36 Authors  Richard E. Ferdig  Timothy V. Rasinski  Kristine E. Pytash  

Solution Tree /2014-06-26 Paperback / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 1936764970 / isbn-13: 9781936764976

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Teaching the Game: A collection of syllabi for game design, development, and implementation, Vol. 1

Ferdig, Richard E.  Baumgartner, Emily  Gandolfi, Enrico /2021-06-28 Paperback / 405 Pages
isbn-10: 1667186078 / isbn-13: 9781667186078

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Discoveries in Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations: New Interdisciplinary Applications

Ferdig, Richard E  

Information Science Reference /2011-05-31 Hardcover / 438 Pages
isbn-10: 1609605659 / isbn-13: 9781609605650

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