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Egemen Bezci books & textbook

Turkish Intelligence and the Cold War: The Turkish Secret Service, the US and the UK

Bezci, Egemen  

I.B. Tauris /2021-04-22 Paperback / 304 Pages
isbn-10: 075563649X / isbn-13: 9780755636495

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Neutral Countries as Clandestine Battlegrounds, 1939–1968: Between Two Fires

Horncastle, James  Gerolymatos, André  Smyth, Denis  Andrew, Christopher  Bezci, Egemen  Dimitriadis, Vasilis  Gerolymatos, André  Horncastle, James  Lagos, Katerina  Luce, Alexandra  McGarr, Paul M.  Messenger, David A.  O’Halpin, Eunan  Smyth, Denis  Wylie, Neville  Wyss, Marco  

Lexington Books /2021-07-15 Paperback / 285 Pages
isbn-10: 1498583229 / isbn-13: 9781498583220

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Türk İstihbaratı ve Soğuk Savaş: ABD ve İngiltere Arasında Türk Gizli Servisi

Egemen Bezci  

Kronik Kitap /2023-03-01 Paperback / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 6256989228 / isbn-13: 9786256989221

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