E. Endres books & textbook
American Patroness: Marian Shrines and the Making of US Catholicism (Catholic Practice in the Americas)
Dugan, Katherine Park, Karen E. Ambrose, Adrienne Nock Barba Assistant Professor, Lloyd Bielo, James S. Dugan, Katherine Endres, David J. Harris, Kayla Hayes, Patrick J. Laycock, Joseph Park, Karen E. Rey, Terry Selka, Stephen Vaughn, Claire Walker-Cornetta, Andrew
Fordham University Press /2024-01-02 Paperback / 320 Pages
isbn-10: 1531504884 / isbn-13: 9781531504885
Scripture and Social Justice: Catholic and Ecumenical Essays
Ahearne-Kroll, Stephen P. Attridge Yale Divinity School, Harold W. Carvalho University of St. Thomas, Corrine Collins Yale University Divinity, Adela Yarbro Collins, John J. Donahue S.J., John R. Endres S.J., John Hens-Piazza, Gina Portier-Young, Anathea E. Prinz, Julia D. E. Gregory E. Sterling Gregory E. Sterling Portier-Young, Anathea E. Sterling, Gregory E.
Fortress Academic /2021-06-21 Paperback / 280 Pages
isbn-10: 1978702906 / isbn-13: 9781978702905
The Adventures of a Harp Mouse
Diane E. Dunn Linda Carollo Endres
Heart & Harp LLC /2005T Hardcover / 22 Pages
isbn-10: 0974217433 / isbn-13: 9780974217437
Robotics and Well-Being (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 95)
Aldinhas Ferreira, Maria Isabel Silva Sequeira, João Singh Virk, Gurvinder Tokhi, Mohammad Osman E. Kadar, Endre
Springer /2019-05-06 Hardcover / 186 Pages
isbn-10: 3030125238 / isbn-13: 9783030125233
The Bible Today, July/August 2003, Volume 41 Number 4
John C. Endres Anthony R. Ceresko Joan E. Cook Michael Patella Kent R. Kaufman Phillip J. Cunningham John J. Pilch Barbara E. Reid Donald Senior Dianne Bergant Donald Senior
Liturgical Press /2003T Single Issue Magazine / 66 Pages
Cenizas Art/Literature No. 6
Romax /1980T Staple Bound
Mathematische Begriffe Visualisiert Mit Maple V: Fur Lehrer Und Dozenten (English and German Edition)
W. Buhmann L. Diemer T. Westermann G. Wilke W. Buhmann L. Diemer E. Endres M. Laule
Springer /1999-10-26 Paperback / 102 Pages
isbn-10: 3540665099 / isbn-13: 9783540665090
Mathematische Begriffe visualisiert mit Maple: für Lehrer und Dozenten (German Edition)
Westermann, T. Buhmann, W. Diemer, L. Endres, E. Laule, M. Wilke, G.
Springer /2001-08-28 Paperback / 144 Pages
isbn-10: 3540421327 / isbn-13: 9783540421320
A World with Robots: International Conference on Robot Ethics: ICRE 2015 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 84)
Aldinhas Ferreira, Maria Isabel Silva Sequeira, Joao Tokhi, Mohammad Osman E. Kadar, Endre Virk, Gurvinder Singh
Springer /2018-07-13 Paperback / 255 Pages
isbn-10: 3319835580 / isbn-13: 9783319835587
Morality of Capital Punishment: Equal Justice Under the Law
Twenty Third Pubns /1986T Paperback / 152 Pages
isbn-10: 0896222241 / isbn-13: 9780896222243