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Dion Forster books & textbook

African Public Theology

Agang, Sunday Bobai  Forster, Dion A  Hendriks, H Jurgens  

Hippobooks /2020-04-30 Hardcover / 450 Pages
isbn-10: 1839731176 / isbn-13: 9781839731174

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Christ at the centre: Discovering the cosmic Christ in the spirituality of Bede Griffiths

Forster PhD, Dion A  

National Library of South Africa /2007-07-01 Paperback / 123 Pages
isbn-10: 1920212248 / isbn-13: 9781920212247

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Théologie publique africaine (French Edition)

Agang, Sunday Bobai  Forster, Dion A  Hendriks, H Jurgens  

Livreshippo /2022-10-31 Paperback / 492 Pages
isbn-10: 1839737107 / isbn-13: 9781839737107

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Reformation from Below: Looking at Münster Anabaptism Anew Through Korean Minjung Theology (The APTS Press Monograph Series Book)

Chung, Youjin  Forster, Dion A.  

APTS Press /2021-10-04 Paperback / 487 Pages
isbn-10: 9718942963 / isbn-13: 9789718942963

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Freedom of Religion at Stake: Competing Claims among Faith Traditions, States, and Persons (Church of Sweden Research Series)

Forster, Dion A.  Gerle, Elisabeth  Gunner, Göran  

Pickwick Publications /2019-11-01 Paperback / 330 Pages
isbn-10: 1532660561 / isbn-13: 9781532660566

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Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Violence: Biblical, pastoral and ethical perspectives (Beyers Naudé Centre Series on Public Theology)

Nel, Marius J.  Forster, Dion A.  Thesnaar, Christo H.  

SUNPress /2020-04-07 Paperback / 199 Pages
isbn-10: 1928480527 / isbn-13: 9781928480525

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The (im)possibility of Forgiveness?: An Empirical Intercultural Bible Reading of Matthew 18.15-35 (Beyers Naudé Centre Public Theology)

Forster, Dion  Hansen, Len  

African Sun Media /2017-10-05 Paperback / 280 Pages
isbn-10: 1928314341 / isbn-13: 9781928314349

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An uncommon spiritual path: Finding Jesus beyond conventional Christianity

Forster, Dion A  

National Library of South Africa /2008-03-18 Paperback / 94 Pages
isbn-10: 1920212280 / isbn-13: 9781920212285

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A prayer guide for use during examinations

Dion A Forster  Dion Forster  None  

AcadSA Publising /2007-10-10 Paperback / 18 Pages
isbn-10: 1920212213 / isbn-13: 9781920212216

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What are we thinking?: Reflections on Church and Society from Southern African Methodists

Forster, Dion A  Bentley, Wessel  Forster, Dion A  

MPH /2010-05-01 Paperback / 212 Pages
isbn-10: 1919883525 / isbn-13: 9781919883526

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