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Dessinger, Joan C. books & textbook

Fundamentals of Performance Improvement: Optimizing Results through People, Process, and Organizations

Van Tiem, Darlene  Moseley, James L.  Dessinger, Joan C.  

Pfeiffer /2012-05-01 Paperback / 704 Pages
isbn-10: 1118025245 / isbn-13: 9781118025246

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Performance Improvement Interventions: Enhancing People, Processes, and Organizations through Performance Technology

Van Tiem, Darlene  Moseley, James L.  Dessinger, Joan C.  

Pfeiffer /2006-04-17 Paperback / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 1890289124 / isbn-13: 9781890289126

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Confirmative Evaluation: Practical Strategies for Valuing Continuous Improvement (Tech Training Series)

Dessinger, Joan C.  Moseley, James L.  

Pfeiffer /2003-12-22 Hardcover / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 0787965006 / isbn-13: 9780787965006

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Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace, Set (Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace, Volumes 1 - 3)

Silber, Kenneth H.  Foshay, Wellesley R.  Watkins, Ryan  Leigh, Doug  Moseley, James L.  Dessinger, Joan C.  

Pfeiffer /2013-05-20 Hardcover / 1492 Pages
isbn-10: 0470525436 / isbn-13: 9780470525432

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Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace, Measurement and Evaluation

Moseley, James L.  Dessinger, Joan C.  

Pfeiffer /2009-12-09 Hardcover / 448 Pages
isbn-10: 0470190671 / isbn-13: 9780470190678

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Confirmative Evaluation: Practical Strategies for Valuing Continuous Improvement by Joan C. Dessinger (2003-12-22)

Joan C. Dessinger  

Pfeiffer /1695-01-01 Paperback


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