book price comparison

Delano, Gerard books & textbook

O'Brien, Buccaneer (The H. Bedford-Jones Libraey)

Bedford-Jones, H.  Delano, Gerard Curtis  

Altus Press /2014-03-09 Paperback / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 1618271458 / isbn-13: 9781618271457

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Indians & Scenes of the Southwest (#120 in Walter T. Foster How to Draw Series)

Gerard Curtis Delano  

Walter T. Foster /1999T Paperback / 34 Pages


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Fight Stories - 12/31: Adventure House Presents:

Howard, Robert E.  Martin, Pete  Kofoed, Jack  Anderson, Eddie  DuPerrier, Edmund A.  Gunnison, John P.  Delano, Gerard  

Adventure House /2013-10-01 Paperback / 128 Pages
isbn-10: 1597984698 / isbn-13: 9781597984690

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[Exhibition catalog]: Small Oils, Watercolors and Pastels: Annual Exhibition. Owings-Dewey Fine Art

(SHARP, Joseph H., O. E. Berninghaus, Gerard C. Delano, Email Bisttram, Burt Harwood, William Penhallow Henderson, Lloyd Moylan, Will Shuster, Willard Nash, Oscar Bluemner, and Helen Torr)  

Owings-Dewey Fine Art /2008T Paperback


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American Artist Magazine, October 1970, Volume 33, Number 11, Issue 331

Alfred Werner  Roy E. Green  Henry C. Pitz  Gerard Curtis Delano  Janice Lovoos  

Billboard Publications, Inc. /1969-01-01 Paperback / 86 Pages


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Catalogue of 106 Original-Dry Brush and Pen & Ink Drawings - From "Story of The West" By Gerard Curtis Delano

Gerard Curtis DELANO Delano  

Richard G. Bowman /1991-01-01 Paperback


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Arizona Highways, August 1968 (Navajos; Gerard Curtis Delano Art) (Vol. 44, No. 8)

Charles Franklin Parker  Dama Langley  Raymond Carlson  Gerard Curtis Delano  

Arizona Highway Dept. /1968T Paperback


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Heart of the desert: The West of Gerard Curtis Delano

Delano, Gerard Curtis  

Gerald Peters Gallery /2001T Paperback / 87 Pages
isbn-10: 0935037675 / isbn-13: 9780935037678

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