Dash, Alan books & textbook
A Gregorian Chant Coloring Book For Children & Adults (Gregorian Chant for Beginners)
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2010-10-15 Paperback / 74 Pages
isbn-10: 1453843191 / isbn-13: 9781453843192
A Gregorian Chant Coloring Book For Children & Adults: Teacher's Edition (Gregorian Chant for Beginners)
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2010-11-13 Paperback / 74 Pages
isbn-10: 1456327658 / isbn-13: 9781456327651
Killville [Dramatized Adaptation]
Axler, James Pauli, Matthew Delany, Colleen Carpenter, Steven Glenn, Michael Walker, Christopher Penning, Marni Messner, Eric Kashner, Carolyn Mowen, Michael Lodge, Marty Ruiz, Alejandro Rohan, Richard Harris, Laura C Bassett, Matthew Redmond, Lawrence Wilhelm, Eva Brownstein, Andy Rauscher, Bruce Alan Full Cast, A Novack, Karen Ward, Matthew Alton, Zeke Shearer, Tia Aselford, Terence Kramer, Henry Church, Jonathon Olivera, Tracy Williams, Delores King Forstrom, Amanda Dash, Elliot
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Rimfire [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Achrati, Nora Bussink, Patrick Davenport, Chris Glenn, Michael Gillett, Bill Zada, Lincoln Jackson, Ken McCormick, Scott Rone, J W Graybill, Christopher Feuer, Jonathan Depinto, Nick Jourdan, David Full Cast, A Supan, Rose Elizabeth Nam, Tony Carpenter, Steve Smith, Bradley Bassett, Matthew Graham, Scott Tuazon, Yasmin Rohan, Richard Messner, Eric Casey, Michael John Scheeren, Christopher Dash, Elliott Shelby, Mort Shearer, Tia Brown, Kevin Alan Hemmingsen, Brian Church, Jonathon
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Remington 1894 [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Ruiz, Alejandro McCormick, Scott Ward, Matthew Bassett, Matthew Olivera, Tracy Aselford, Terence Jackson, Ken Brownstein, Andy Keegan, James Full Cast, A Lewis, James Casey, Michael John Delany, Colleen Supan, Rose Elizabeth Church, Jonathon Rauscher, Bruce Alan Smith, Bradley Forstrom, Amanda Lynch, Dylan Lodge, Marty Glenn, Michael Rohan, Richard Shelby, Mort Mallon, Joe Dash, Elliot Penning, Marni
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Frontiersman [Dramatized Adaptation]
Johnstone, William W Johnstone, J A Rauscher, Bruce Alan Supan, Rose Elizabeth Keegan, Thomas Lynch, Dylan Getman, Tim Casey, Michael John Taylor, Jonathan Lee Rohan, Richard Messner, Eric Jourdan, David Carkuff, Katy Jackson, Ken McCormick, Scott Giveaways, Dead Konicek, James Glenn, Michael Horne, Lolita Rone, J W Aselford, Terence Brownstein, Andy Carlin, Tim Dash, Elliot Full Cast, A Smith, Bradley Achrati, Nora Todd, Eleanor Ward, Matthew Bassett, Matthew Jernigan, Elizabeth
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Ethnic Historians and the Mainstream: Shaping America's Immigration Story
Kraut, Alan M. Gerber, David A. Gerber, David A. Yans, Professor Virginia Moore, Deborah Dash Bodnar, Dr. John Posadas, Barbara M. Pacyga, Dominic A. Meagher, Timothy J. Yung, Judy Tamura, Eileen H. Garcia, María Cristina Showers Johnson, Violet M. Alfaro-Velcamp, Dr. Theresa Kraut, Alan M.
Rutgers University Press /2013-11-06 Paperback / 256 Pages
isbn-10: 0813562244 / isbn-13: 9780813562247
One Knight Only [Dramatized Adaptation]
David, Peter McCormick, Scott Walker, Stephon Telles, Gary Davenport, Chris Gilbert, Kimberly Rauscher, Bruce Alan Savard, Nanette Jackson, Ken Ursula, Dawn Gillett, Bill Lewis, James Casey, Michael John Keenan, Matthew Aselford, Terence Forstrom, Amanda Rogers, Kenyatta Dash, Elliot Walker, Christopher Smith, Bradley Stinson, Chris Shearer, Tia Wilhelm, Eva Glenn, Michael Dow, John Penny, Thomas Ruiz, Alejandro Casey, Evan Jourdan, David Full Cast, A Hemmingsen, Brian
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
The Blood Mirror (2 of 2) [Dramatized Adaptation]
Weeks, Brent Genebach, Chris Clemence, Andy Brack, Joe Dettweiler, Johann Depinto, Nick Coyne, David Aselford, Terence Supan, Rose Elizabeth Gilbert, Kimberly Jernigan, Elizabeth Dash, Elliot Smith, Bradley Keegan, Thomas Beacon, Lily Delany, Colleen Davenport, Chris Casey, Michael John Tuazon, Yasmin Penny, Thomas Wilmoth, Alyssa Shelby, Mort Ursula, Dawn Scheeren, Christopher Full Cast, A Casey, Ren Williams, Delores King McCormick, Scott Lynch, Dylan Rohan, Richard Bertaux, Audrey Glenn, Michael Gay, Robbie Savard, Nanette Rauscher, Bruce Alan Jackson, Ken
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Dash Murdoch D-E-M-O-E-I-G-H-T (2010 Music CD)
Dash Murdoch Alan Miles Frank sherwood Peter Thatch Jason Cesarz Mary Tachibana Cariann Smith
Self Published /2010T Audio CD