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Dallas, Glenn books & textbook

Sugar Skulls

Mantchev, Lisa  Dallas, Glenn  

Skyscape /2015-11-10 Paperback / 325 Pages
isbn-10: 1503949710 / isbn-13: 9781503949713

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The Storytellers: Veteran and Family Members Write About Military Life: Veteran and Family Members Write About Military Life

Squire, Leilani  James, Kenneth  Woodard, Denise M.  Mathers, Dallas Dorsett  Raggio, Lisa  Bugaj, Justine Helena  Schiffman, Glenn  Fluck, Sandra Squire  Coughlin, Mary Lu  Cloys, Adam  Ignacio, Patrick  Fleming, Eric  Thurnell, Roger E.  Jacobs, Stephen J.  Cloys, Wes  Kelley, Erren Geraud  Lindseth, Terre Fallon  

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2017-05-03 Paperback / 128 Pages
isbn-10: 1546997512 / isbn-13: 9781546997511

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