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Dahl, Ingrid books & textbook

Globalne ocieplenie, USA i Chiny: Analiza zachowań USA i Chin w debacie na temat zmian klimatycznych oraz możliwych scenariuszy ich przyszłych zachowań (Polish Edition)

Dahl-Madsen, Ingrid  

Wydawnictwo Nasza Wiedza /2021-03-16 Paperback / 128 Pages
isbn-10: 6202861762 / isbn-13: 9786202861762

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Opwarming van de aarde, de VS en China: Een analyse van het Amerikaanse en Chinese gedrag in het klimaatveranderingsdebat en mogelijke scenario's voor hun toekomstig gedrag (Dutch Edition)

Dahl-Madsen, Ingrid  

Uitgeverij Onze Kennis /2021-03-16 Paperback / 132 Pages
isbn-10: 6202861754 / isbn-13: 9786202861755

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Riscaldamento globale, Stati Uniti e Cina: Un'analisi del comportamento di Stati Uniti e Cina nel dibattito sul cambiamento climatico e possibili ... loro comportamento futuro (Italian Edition)

Dahl-Madsen, Ingrid  

Edizioni Sapienza /2021-03-16 Paperback / 128 Pages
isbn-10: 6202861703 / isbn-13: 9786202861700

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Aquecimento Global, os EUA e a China: Uma Análise do Comportamento dos EUA e da China no Debate sobre as Alterações Climáticas e Possíveis Cenários para o seu Comportamento Futuro (Portuguese Edition)

Dahl-Madsen, Ingrid  

Edições Nosso Conhecimento /2021-03-16 Paperback / 128 Pages
isbn-10: 6202861665 / isbn-13: 9786202861663

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El Calentamiento Global, los EE.UU. y China: Un análisis del comportamiento de EE.UU. y China en el debate sobre el cambio climático y posibles ... su comportamiento futuro (Spanish Edition)

Dahl-Madsen, Ingrid  

Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento /2021-03-16 Paperback / 132 Pages
isbn-10: 6202861649 / isbn-13: 9786202861649

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Le réchauffement climatique, les États-Unis et la Chine (French Edition)

Dahl-Madsen, Ingrid  

Editions Notre Savoir /2021-03-16 Paperback / 132 Pages
isbn-10: 6202861606 / isbn-13: 9786202861601

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Globale Erwärmung, die USA und China: Eine Analyse des Verhaltens der USA und Chinas in der Klimadebatte und mögliche Szenarien für ihr künftiges Verhalten (German Edition)

Dahl-Madsen, Ingrid  

Verlag Unser Wissen /2021-03-16 Paperback / 136 Pages
isbn-10: 6202861576 / isbn-13: 9786202861571

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Global Warming, the US, and China: An Analysis of US and Chinese Behaviour in the Climate Change Debate and Possible Scenarios for their Future Behaviour

Dahl-Madsen, Ingrid  

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing /2011-03-04 Paperback / 124 Pages
isbn-10: 3844310177 / isbn-13: 9783844310177

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Dictionary of Chemical Engineering - English/French/German/Spanish

Lydersen, Aksel L.  Dahl?, Ingrid  

Wiley /1992-09T Paperback / 258 Pages
isbn-10: 0471933929 / isbn-13: 9780471933922

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