Cohen Mansfield, Jiska books & textbook
Understanding Well-Being in the Oldest Old
Poon, Leonard W. Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska
Cambridge University Press /2011-04-11 Paperback / 408 Pages
isbn-10: 0521132002 / isbn-13: 9780521132008
Recollections of a Jewish Mathematician in Germany
Fraenkel, Abraham A. Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska Brown, Allison
Birkhäuser /2018-06-23 Paperback / 254 Pages
isbn-10: 3319808982 / isbn-13: 9783319808987
Satisfaction Surveys in Long-Term Care
Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska Ejaz, Farida K. Werner, Perla
Springer Pub Co /1656T Hardcover / 333 Pages
isbn-10: 0826112846 / isbn-13: 9780826112842