Coffey, Joe books & textbook
Thin Ice: The Complete, Uncensored Story of Tonya Harding
Pinnacle Books /1994T Paperback / 180 Pages
isbn-10: 0786000619 / isbn-13: 9780786000616
Smooth Stones: Bringing Down the Giant Questions of Apologetics
Cruciform Press /2011-05-26 Paperback / 112 Pages
isbn-10: 1936760207 / isbn-13: 9781936760206
This Day in Irish History: From the social media sensation @thisdayirish
The O'Brien Press /2022-08-06 Paperback / 384 Pages
isbn-10: 1788493664 / isbn-13: 9781788493666
Blood Lines [Dramatized Adaptation]
Wilks, Eileen Carlin, Tim Starnes, Deidra Delany, Colleen Ursula, Dawn Depinto, Nick Fernandez-Coffey, Gabriela Penny, Thomas Jackson, Ken Tuazon, Yasmin Richardson, Damyon Lewis, James Gilbert, Kimberly Keegan, Thomas Wilmoth, Alyssa Rohan, Richard Supan, Rose Elizabeth Brack, Joe Savard, Nanette Gavigan, Danny Casey, Michael John Jourdan, David Cutting, Richard Konicek, James Rogers, Kenyatta Achrati, Nora McGee, Matthew Aselford, Terence Shelby, Mort Beacon, Lily Full Cast, A Allin, Jeff Bassett, Matthew
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Red Like Blood: Confrontations with Grace
Shepherd Press /2011-04-08 Paperback / 221 Pages
isbn-10: 0983099073 / isbn-13: 9780983099079
Guilt Rules All: Irish Mystery, Detective, and Crime Fiction (Irish Studies)
Mannion, Dr. Elizabeth Cliff, Brian Mawe, Shane English, Bridget Nic Íomhair, Caitlín Cantwell, Nancy Marck O'Halpin, Eunan Burke, Declan Long, Joe Brennan, Gerard Reddy, Maureen T. Byrd, Brandi Babbar, Anjili Howard, Richard Johnsen, Rosemary Erickson Lynch, Vivian Valvano Coffey, Fiona Coleman
Syracuse University Press /2020-09-17 Paperback / 304 Pages
isbn-10: 0815636830 / isbn-13: 9780815636830
Train to Durango [Dramatized Adaptation]
Compton, Ralph Carlin, Tim Harris, David Wilhelm, Eva Jackson, Ken Casey, Michael John Lynch, Dylan Graybill, Christopher Gavigan, Danny Messner, Eric Jourdan, David Aselford, Terence Santner, Joel David Allin, Jeff Keegan, Thomas Full Cast, A Brack, Joe Konicek, James Kopas, Drew Glenn, Michael Coyne, David Rohan, Richard Halpern, Mark Getman, Tim Scheeren, Christopher Savard, Nanette Fernandez-Coffey, Gabriela Lewis, James Shelby, Mort McCormick, Scott Beacon, Lily Watkins, Jonathan Smith, Bradley Casey, Evan Tuazon, Yasmin Telles, Gary Wilmoth, Alyssa Pabon, Tim
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Six Guns and Double Eagles [Dramatized Adaptation]
Compton, Ralph Santner, Joel David Pabon, Tim Casey, Evan Scheeren, Christopher Aselford, Terence Konicek, James Jackson, Ken McCormick, Scott Full Cast, A Beacon, Lily Olivera, Tracey Lynn Gavigan, Danny Casey, Michael John Tuazon, Yasmin Rohan, Richard Fernandez-Coffey, Gabriela Allin, Jeff Messner, Eric Carlin, Tim Savard, Nanette Watkins, Jonathan Kopas, Drew Achrati, Nora Lynch, Dylan Wilmoth, Alyssa Getman, Tim Glenn, Michael Jourdan, David Telles, Gary Brack, Joe Lewis, James Shelby, Mort Keegan, Thomas Graybill, Christopher Smith, Bradley Depinto, Nick Coyne, David
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Blood Cursed [Dramatized Adaptation]
Archer, Alex Carpenter, Steven Beacon, Lily Delany, Colleen Bussink, Patrick Strain, Alexander Savard, Nanette Glenn, Michael Keegan, James Lewis, James Rohan, Richard McCormick, Scott Keenan, Matthew Full Cast, A Messner, Eric Brack, Joe Graybill, Christopher Tuazon, Yasmin Aselford, Terence Casey, Michael John Fernandez-Coffey, Gabriela
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD
Ritual Magic [Dramatized Adaptation]
Wilks, Eileen Glenn, Michael Tuazon, Yasmin Penny, Thomas Wilmoth, Alyssa Davenport, Chris Carlin, Tim Dash, Elliot Smith, Bradley Church, Jonathon Depinto, Nick Beacon, Lily Potts, Faith Pafumi, Helen Singdahlsen, Eric Bassett, Matthew Bussink, Patrick Savard, Nanette Fernandez-Coffey, Gabriela Carpenter, Steven Keegan, Thomas Perry, Nathanial Allin, Jeff Lefkow, Jessica Yeh, Jacob Casey, Michael John Lynch, Dylan Aselford, Terence Elftman, Kurt Messner, Eric Gilbert, Kimberly Olinick, Sasha Full Cast, A Carkuff, Katy Supan, Rose Elizabeth Achrati, Nora Brack, Joe Graybill, Christopher Casey, Evan
Graphic Audio /2020-06-03 Audio CD