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Christopher G. Fairburn books & textbook

Overcoming Binge Eating: The Proven Program to Learn Why You Binge and How You Can Stop

Fairburn, Christopher G.  

The Guilford Press /2013-07-12 Paperback / 243 Pages
isbn-10: 1572305614 / isbn-13: 9781572305618

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders

Christopher G. Fairburn  

The Guilford Press /2008-04-21 Hardcover / 324 Pages
isbn-10: 1593857098 / isbn-13: 9781593857097

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Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Adolescents with Eating Disorders

Dalle Grave, Riccardo  Calugi, Simona  Fairburn, Christopher G.  

The Guilford Press /2020-04-30 Hardcover / 344 Pages
isbn-10: 1462542735 / isbn-13: 9781462542734

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Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Obesity: A Clinician's Guide

Zafra Cooper  Christopher G. Fairburn  Deborah M. Hawker  

The Guilford Press /2004-09-07 Paperback / 232 Pages
isbn-10: 1593850921 / isbn-13: 9781593850920

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Binge Eating: Nature, Assessment, and Treatment

Fairburn, Christopher G.  Wilson, G. Terence  

The Guilford Press /1993-08-13 Hardcover / 419 Pages
isbn-10: 0898629950 / isbn-13: 9780898629958

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Overcoming Binge Eating by Fairburn, Christopher G. Reissue Edition (1995)

Christopher G. Fairburn  

Guilford Press / Paperback


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Christopher G. Fairburn  

ARTMED EDITORA /2024-03-31 Paperback
isbn-10: 6558822016 / isbn-13: 9786558822011

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Eating Disorders and Obesity, Second Edition: A Comprehensive Handbook

Christopher G. Fairburn  Kelly D. Brownell  

The Guilford Press /2002-01-15 Hardcover / 633 Pages
isbn-10: 1572306882 / isbn-13: 9781572306882

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Vincere le abbuffate. Come superare il disturbo da binge eating

Fairburn, Christopher G.  

Conchiglie /2014-07-09 Paperback
isbn-10: 8860306825 / isbn-13: 9788860306821

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Science and Practice of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Science and Practice)

Fairburn, Christopher G.  Clark, David M.  

Oxford University Press /1996-12-05 Paperback / 464 Pages
isbn-10: 0192627252 / isbn-13: 9780192627254

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