Carlisle, Norman V. books & textbook
The Complete Guide to Treasure Hunting
H. Regnery Co /1973T Hardcover / 280 Pages
Miracles Ahead! Better Living in the Postwar World
Carlisle, Norman V. Latham, Frank B.
Leopold Classic Library /2016-03-22 Paperback / 310 Pages
Parts of Planes
Carlisle, Norman V. (Editor) Lube, Thomas F.
Harper & Brothers Publishers /1943T Hardcover
Marvels of medical engineering (Advances in science series)
Oak Tree Press /1967-01-01 Hardcover
Riches of the sea: The new science of oceeanography (Bantam science and mathematics)
Bantam Books /1972T Paperback / 215 Pages
The modern wonder book of trains and railroading,
The John C. Winston Co /1946T Hardcover / 3 Pages
The Modern Wonder Book of Ships
Norman V. Carlisle Eugene Nelson
John C. Winston Co. /1947T Hardcover / 313 Pages
The marines in review,
E.P. Dutton & Co., inc /1943T Hardcover / 192 Pages
The wonder book of trains
Holt, Rinehart and Winston /1957T Hardcover / 313 Pages
Satellites: servants of man,
Lippincott /1971T Hardcover / 96 Pages