Capobianco, Carmine books & textbook
Tall and Short Tales of My Hometown
Independently published /2019-07-22 Paperback / 136 Pages
isbn-10: 1081913290 / isbn-13: 9781081913298
Exploitation Nation #10: Comedy is Hard!
Watt, Mike Wingenfeld, Justin Thome, Terry Rogers, Phillip R Capobianco, Carmine Legge, Michael Watt, Bill Wingenfeld, Justin Haushalter, Mike Baughman, Dr. Rhonda
Happy Cloud Publishing /2020-10-12 Paperback / 128 Pages
isbn-10: 1951036204 / isbn-13: 9781951036201
The Rude Pen
Capobianco, Carmine Capobianco, Emily Lopez, Stephen & Marjorie Miller, Stew Mosher, Geoff Tsantsa, Justin Ettinger, Art
Independently published /2019-08-25 Paperback / 196 Pages
isbn-10: 1688096876 / isbn-13: 9781688096875