book price comparison

C. Breck Hitz books & textbook

Introduction to Laser Technology

C. Breck Hitz  James Ewing  Jeff Hecht  

Wiley-IEEE Press /2012-04-10 Hardcover / 320 Pages
isbn-10: 0470916206 / isbn-13: 9780470916209

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Understanding laser technology: An intuitive introduction to basic and advanced laser concepts

Hitz, C. Breck  

PennWell Books /1985-01-01 Hardcover / 226 Pages
isbn-10: 0878142622 / isbn-13: 9780878142620

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LEOMA and the US Laser Industry: The Good and Bad Moves for Trade Associations in Emerging High-Tech Industries

Hitz, C. Breck  

Wiley-IEEE Press /2014-12-31 Paperback / 192 Pages
isbn-10: 1118010248 / isbn-13: 9781118010242

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Understanding Laser Technology: An Intuitive Introduction to Basic and Advanced Laser Concepts

Hitz, C. Breck  

Pennwell Corp /1991T Hardcover / 270 Pages
isbn-10: 0878143327 / isbn-13: 9780878143320

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