Butler, M. N. J. books & textbook
Mentoring While White: Culturally Responsive Practices for Sustaining the Lives of Black College Students
Ray Butler, Bettie Farinde-Wu, Abiola Winchell, Melissa Achola, Edwin Obilo Auguste, Mekiael Becton, Daniel E. Ray Butler, Bettie Butler, Jamiylah Carter, Isaac M. Crooks, Delando L. Dunn PhD director of teacher education professor of Curriculum and Instruction, Alyssa Hadley Farinde-Wu, Abiola Floyd, Erinn F. Ford, Donna Y. Ford Distinguished Professor of Education and Human Ecology Kirwan Institute Fa, Donna Y. Hall, Horace R. Harden, Troy Hayes, Cleveland Hughes, Tiffany N. Jolimeau, Herby B. Lauture, Christelle Lensmire University of Minnesota author of White Folks: Race and Identity in Rur, Timothy J. Lozenski, Brian D. Merriweather, Lisa R. Reddick, Richard J. Shavers, Marjorie C. Sleeter, Christine Strayhorn, Terrell L. Taylor, M. Yvonne Weiston-Serdan, Torie Winchell, Melissa Young, Jemimah L.
Lexington Books /2024-02-20 Paperback / 306 Pages
isbn-10: 1793629935 / isbn-13: 9781793629937
Scientific Collaboration on the Internet (Acting with Technology)
Olson, Gary M Zimmerman, Ann Bos, Nathan Wulf, William A Olson, Gary M Bos, Nathan Zimmerman, Ann Hey, Corporate Vice President of External Research Tony Trefethen, Anne Nentwich, Michael Olson, Bren Professor of Information and Computer Sciences Judith S Yew, Jude Yerkie, Jason Dahl, Erik Cooney, Daniel Hofer, Erik C Faniel, Ixchel Cummings, Jonathon N Kiesler, Sara Myers, James D Ackerman, Mark S Hanisch, Robert J McKee, Shawn Birnholtz, Jeremy P Avery, Paul Killeen, Director Timothy L Finholt, Thomas A Sonnenwald, Diane H Whitton, Mary C Maglaughlin, Kelly L Rogers, Michael E Onken, James Ellisman, Mark James, Mark Grethe, Jeffrey S Puetz, Information Consultant Mary Teasley, Stephanie D Schleyer, Titus Hemphill, Libby Cook, Eric Hackett, Edward J Parker, John N Conz, David Rhoten, Diana Parker, Andrew Michener, William K Waide, Robert B Ribes, Associate Professor David Bowker, Geoffrey C Jr, B F Spencer Butler, Randal Ricker, Kathleen Marcusiu, Doru Foster, Ian Kessleman, Carl Bietz, Matthew Naidoo, Marsha Luo, Airong
MIT Press /2008-10-01 Hardcover / 406 Pages
isbn-10: 0262151200 / isbn-13: 9780262151207
The Southern Poetry Anthology, Volume IX: Virginia (Volume 9)
Wright, William Fuller, J. Bruce Wright, Amy Graves, Jesse Arnoult, Darnell Asbury, April J. Aylor, Emma Azzam, Zeina Bagato, Jeff Bandy, George Beasley, Christina Berry, John Black, David Bodine, Terry Hall Bray, Tara Brickhouse, Robert Butler, Candace Campbell, Ben E. Casteen, John Chitwood, Michael Davis, Kathy Dillard, R.H.W. Dove, Rita Dowdy, Michael Downer, Hilda Dribben, Angie Emerson, Claudia Eriksen, J. Indogo Faison, Latorial Gander, Forrest Gilbert, Matthew Gillispie, Charles Green, Leah Naomi Griffith, Lucy Fowlkes Hammond, Raymond P. Hankla, Cathryn Harlan, Chelsea Havird, Mr. David Hicks, Jane Hill, Mary Crockett Honeycutt, Scott Hooker, Emily Hoppenthaler, John Hylton, Jessica K. Igloria, Luisa A. Jennings, Edison Johnson, Don Johnson, Jeffrey N. Jones, Joshua Keller, M.A. Key, Jennifer Krieg, Chelsea Lewis, Jessi Linforth, Christopher Lynn, Robert Wood MacDonald, Catherine Mackinnon, Margaret Mahler, Josh Mann, Jeff Mars, John Q. Mathieu, Irène P. McCroskey, Gretchen Mersereau, Marianne Millner, Jesse Minick, Jim Mitchell, Felicia Moeckel, Thorpe Murawski, Elisabeth Nguyen, Yvonne Nichols, Mel Nicholls, Evan Notter, William Orr, Gregory Owens, James Parker, Lisa J. Perry, Lynda Fleet Petrosino, Kiki Pickens, Alex Prater, Matt Quillen, Rita Sims Robin, Valencia Seay, Allison Serio, Olivia Sevick, Leona Shiel, Leslie Siegel, Maia Smith, Rod Smith, Ron Smith, R.T. Spaar, Lisa Russ Stanley, Sappho Starnes, Sofia M. Stone, Ruth Taylor, Henry Thomas, Randolph Trocchia, Michael Voigt, Ellen Bryant Waldrep, G.C. Watkins, Jorrell Weeks, L.A. Whalen, Brian Phillip Whitaker, Stephen Scott Williams, Beth Oast Wolpert, Abby Wood, Karenne Woodcock, Diana Woodford, Annie Woolard, Amy Wright, Amy Wright, Charles
Texas Review Press /2022-11-22 Paperback / 360 Pages
isbn-10: 1680031953 / isbn-13: 9781680031959
Diamond - The Ultimate Gemstone
Emma Bullock James E. Butler Katherine Dunnell Boris N. Feigelson M. Tyler Funk Eloise Gaillou J. Michael Howard Bram Janse John A. Jaszczak John I. Koivula George R. Rossman Elise A. Skalwold James Shigley Jeff Harris Gloria A. Staebler Jeff Scovil Robert Weldon
Lithographie, Ltd. /2017-02-03 Perfect Paperback / 152 Pages
isbn-10: 0983632359 / isbn-13: 9780983632351
Longevity Rules: How to Age Well Into the Future
Robert N. Butler M.D. William H. Thomas Ellen J. Langer Theodore Roszak Stuart Greenbaum
Eskaton /2010-04-02 Hardcover / 250 Pages
isbn-10: 0615330452 / isbn-13: 9780615330457
The Fox
Independently published /2018-08-13 Paperback / 570 Pages
isbn-10: 1718115601 / isbn-13: 9781718115606
African American Students’ Career and College Readiness: The Journey Unraveled (Race and Education in the Twenty-First Century)
Curry, Jennifer R. Shillingford, M. Ann Appling, Brandee Auguste, Elizabeth Belser, Christopher T. Bergholtz, Tristen Brown, Eric M. Butler, S. Kent Churblock, Ashley Cross, Jennifer Riedl Cross, Tracy L. Curry, Jennifer R. Exkano, Jessica Frazier, Andrea Dawn Garrett, Michael T. Harris, Pamela N. Hart, Dana C. Haskins, Natoya Hill, Nicole R. Jackson, D’Jalon J. Jackson, Shandricka E. Joe, J. Richelle Kooyman, Brian Lopez, Michele Morton, Berlisha Shillingford, M. Ann Treacy, Lauren Vereen, Linwood Williams, Amy E. Williams III, Cyrus R.
Lexington Books /2015-10-08 Hardcover / 378 Pages
isbn-10: 1498506860 / isbn-13: 9781498506861
The Christian Century, Volume XCVI Number 14, April 18, 1979
William C. Mielke Halbert Weidner Tom Conrad Lawrence N. Jones J. George Butler Tafataona P. Mahoso James M. Wall
Christian Century Foundation /1979T Single Issue Magazine / 30 Pages
Biosphere Implications of Deep Disposal of Nuclear Waste: The Upwards Migration of Radionuclides in Vegetated Soils (Environmental Science and Management)
Howard Wheater J N B Bell A P Butler B M Jackson L Ciciani D J Ashworth G G Shaw
Imperial College Press /2007-07-26 Hardcover / 420 Pages
isbn-10: 1860947433 / isbn-13: 9781860947438
The Quotable Issue 4
Butler, Janet Lundh, Lennart Montgomery, M.V. O'Connor, Kevin J.B. Rudden, Dave Tan Jr., Alexander N. Wright, Kirby Elliott, Tammie Gibbs, Tarah Gumeny, Eirik
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2011-12-29 Paperback / 64 Pages
isbn-10: 146812367X / isbn-13: 9781468123678