Brown Ph.D., William books & textbook
Historical Dictionary of Methodism (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements Series)
Yrigoyen Jr., Charles Warrick, Susan E. Baker, Frank Beasley, John D. Beckerlegge, Oliver A. Brockwell Jr., Charles W. Brown, Joanne Carlson Brown, Kenneth O. Campbell, Barbara E. Carter, David J. Carter, Philip L. Collins, Kenneth J. Cooney, Dudley A.L. Dickerson, Dennis C. Dieter, Melvin E. Dougherty, Mary Agnes Elliot, Daryl M. English, John C. Felton, Gayle Carlton Forbes, Bruce David Forsaith, Peter S. Gorrell, Donald K. Graham, E Dorothy Greet, Kenneth G. Hanson, Frank Hargreaves, John A. Heitzenrater, Richard P. Horton, William D. Knotts, Alice G. Leary, William Lenton, John H. Lovin Cary M. Maguire University Professor of Ethics Emeritus Southern Methodist University, Robin W. McIntosh, Lawrence D. Macquiban, Timothy S.A. Maser, Frederick E. McEllhenney, John G. Monk, Robert C. Newton, John A. Nthamburi, Zablon O'Malley, J Steven Patterson, L Dale Robert, Dana L. Rodd, Cyril S. Rogal, Samuel J. Rose, E Alan Rowe, Kenneth E. Schell, Edwin A. Shaw, Thomas Simmons, Dale H. Simpson, Robert Drew Stein, K James Streiff, Patrick Ph. Strong, Douglas M. Sylvest, Edwin E. Taggart, Norman W. Tudur, Geraint Tuioti, Eteuati L. Turner, John Munsey Vickers, John A. Wakefield, Gordon S. Wallace Jr., Charles Webb, Pauline M. Whiteley, Marilyn Färdig Williams, Robert J. Wingeier-Rayo, Philip
Scarecrow Press /2005-03-16 Hardcover / 472 Pages
isbn-10: 0810854511 / isbn-13: 9780810854512
The Tikkun Reader
Lerner president of Commonweal a, Michael Adler Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, Rachel Bauman Universities of Leeds and Warsaw, Zygmunt Berrigan, Daniel Brown, Cherie Campolo professor of sociology E, Tony Capra, Fritjof Chernin, Kim Chopra, Deepak Cox, Harvey Das, Lama Etzioni professor George Washington University; founder of the Society for the Adv, Amitai Ferrer, Jorge Fink, Nan Frankel, Estelle Frankenthal, Yitzhak Gabel, Peter Goldhagen, Daniel Gottlieb, Roger Green, Arthur Inchausti, Robert Kimbrell, Andrew Kimmel SUNY Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Gender Studies Stony Brook U, Michael Korten, David Langer, Lawrence L. Lears, Jackson Levinson, Julian Matt, Daniel Merkin, Daphne Nimer, Mohammed Plaskow, Judith Primack, Joel Rose, Or Schell, Jonathan Schneider author of Existential-Humanistic Therapy, Kirk Schorsch, Jonathan Setton, Ruth Shiva Indian scholar and environmental activist, Dr. Vandana Sullivan, William Wallis president and founder Sojourners, Jim Walsch, Neale Waskow, Rabbi Arthur West Union Theological Seminar, Cornel Winkler Ph.D. author of Magic of the Ordinary, Rabbi Gershon Wolf, Naomi
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2006-10-09 Hardcover / 376 Pages
isbn-10: 0742546810 / isbn-13: 9780742546813
The TOUCH THAT HEALS, the secret key to strengthing the immune system
Brown Ph.D, Dr William N Brown PhD, Dr William N
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2013-09-21 Paperback / 168 Pages
isbn-10: 1481975358 / isbn-13: 9781481975353
Social Competence of Young Children: Risk, Disability, and Intervention
Brown Ph.D., William Odom Ph.D., Samuel L. McConnell Ph.D., Scott R.
Brookes Publishing /2007-11-06 Paperback / 360 Pages
isbn-10: 1557669236 / isbn-13: 9781557669230
Research on Schools, Neighborhoods and Communities: Toward Civic Responsibility
Tate IV, William F. Allen, Walter Arzubiaga, Angela E. Ceja, Miguel Chmielewski, Anna K. Cousins, Linwood H. Dupree, Davido Duran, Jacquelyn Elizondo, Evellyn Ellen, Ingrid Gould Fegley, Suzanne Galster, George Golden, Olivia Grzesikowski, Courtney Gutierrez, Kris D. Heath Professor at Large Watson Institute for International Studies Brown Unive, Dr. Shirley Brice Hedges, Larry V. Hill, Kathryn Hogrebe, Mark Johnson Jr., Odis D. Jones, Nathan Lee Northwestern University, Carol D. Henry M. Levin Ph.D. Henry M. Levin Ph.D. Logan, John McNew-Birren, Jill Roslyn Arlin Mickelson Roslyn Arlin Mickelson Morris, Jerome E. Notaro, Sheri Oakley, Deirdre Olivas University of Houston, Michael A. O'Regan, Katherine Raudenbush, Stephen W. Ready, Douglas reardon, sean f. Roda, Allison Sampson, Robert J. Schwartz, Amy Ellen Spencer, Margaret Beale Stiefel, Leanna Tate IV, William F. Tinsley, Brian Velasco, Anne Walters Institute for Advanced Study, Ronald Warner, Miya Tamiko Wells, Amy Stuart White, Terrenda Williams, Brian Wolfe, Gail Yun, John T.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2012-02-23 Paperback / 564 Pages
isbn-10: 1442204680 / isbn-13: 9781442204683
Interpersonal Skills for Leadership
Lunde, Joyce Povlacs Brown, William Fritz, Susan, Ph.D.
Pearson College Div /1998-08-07 Paperback / 333 Pages
isbn-10: 0132447738 / isbn-13: 9780132447737
Organic Voice Disorders: Assessment and Treatment by Jr. Ph.D. William S. Brown (1996-10-01)
Singular; 1 edition (1996-10-01) / Unknown Binding
Beliefs That Matter
Brown, William Adams (Ph.D, D.D.)
Charles Scribner's Sons /1928T Hardcover / 333 Pages
Low Back Pain: New Research
Jansson, Maja C. Lindberg, William J. Bilski, Bartosz Brown, Stephen H. M. Calavalle, Annarita Campbell, Carol King, E. McGill, Stuart, Ph.D. Ney, John
Nova Science Pub Inc /2008-01-01 Hardcover / 182 Pages
isbn-10: 1604565322 / isbn-13: 9781604565324
Letters from the Dead to the Living (1702)
Brown PH D, Thomas Ayloffe, William Barker, Henry
Kessinger Publishing /2009-07-17 Paperback / 284 Pages
isbn-10: 1104779706 / isbn-13: 9781104779702