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Brian Doughty books & textbook

the 2025 Flash Fiction Dateboo: 2025 weekly date book planner, with 2024 Scars Publications flash fiction & art

Scars Publications  Hawkins, Brian  Porter, Christopher  B. Cornelius, J. B. Corelius  Walker, Jazmine  Kuypers, Janet  Perry, Jimmie  McMullen, John F  Smith, K H  Doughty, Leigh  

Independently published /2024-12-11 Paperback / 140 Pages


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Diabetes Forecast Magazine, Vol. 50, No. 6 (June, 1997)

Nancy N Bell  Roger Doughty  Brian Davis  Ethel Nied Howlett  Sheila Drummand  Valerie Bassos  Kathleen Stanley  Mary M Austin  G Duncan Finlay  Ethel Howlett  Brian Davis  Neal Friedman MD  Laurie Seniuk  

American Diabetes Association /1997T Single Issue Magazine / 92 Pages


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Diabetes Forecast Magazine, Vol. 51, No. 10 (October, 1998)

Marcia Levine Mazur  Roger Doughty  Russell Stanton  Lois Gochnauer  Dr Eugenio Cersosimo  Jennifer Alward  Brian Mealey DDS  Frank Varon DDS  Terri D'Arrigo  Stephen Gee  Neal Friedman MD  Dwight Ueda  

American Diabetes Association /1998T Single Issue Magazine / 124 Pages


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A Guide to Good Wine: Revised Edition

DOUGHTY, Brian (editor)  

Abbey /1971T Hardcover


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A Guide to Good Wine

Allan Sichel  Leslie Seyd  H. B. Lanson  Lance K. Cock  Ian MacKenzie  Alfred Langenbach  J. W. Mahoney  Brian Doughty  

Abbey /1973T Hardcover / 208 Pages


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Emotionale Intelligenz: Für Ein Besseres Leben, Mehr Erfolg Im Beruf Und Glücklichere Beziehungen. Verbessern Sie Ihre Sozialen Fähigkeiten Und Emotionale Agilität (German Edition)

Doughty, Brian  

Bod - Books on Demand /2022-03-25 Paperback / 96 Pages
isbn-10: 3754379445 / isbn-13: 9783754379448

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