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Brandon O. Hensley books & textbook

Critical Storytelling During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Berea College Students Share their Experiences

Hartlep, Nicholas D.  Stuchell, Christopher V.  Whitt, Nathaniel Elisha  Hensley, Brandon O.  

Information Age Publishing /2021-08-01 Paperback / 130 Pages
isbn-10: 1648025498 / isbn-13: 9781648025495

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Critical Storytelling in Uncritical Times (Constructing Knowledge: Curriculum Studies in Action, 16)

Nicholas D. Hartlep,Brandon O. Hensley,Carmella J. Braniger ,Michael E. Jennings  

BrillSense /2017-01-01 Paperback / 164 Pages
isbn-10: 9463510036 / isbn-13: 9789463510035

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Critical Storytelling in Uncritical Times: Stories Disclosed in a Cultural Foundations of Education Course (Constructing Knowledge: Curriculum Studies in Action, 9)

Hartlep, Nicholas D.  Hensley, Brandon O.  

Sense Publishers /2015-09-11 Paperback / 134 Pages
isbn-10: 9463002545 / isbn-13: 9789463002547

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Critical Storytelling in 2020: Issues, Elections and Beyond (Critical Storytelling, 3)

Brandon O. Hensley  

Brill | Sense /2020-05-07 Paperback / 158 Pages
isbn-10: 9004432744 / isbn-13: 9789004432741

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