Boyd, Neal books & textbook
Flash Video Creativity
Bodur, Murat Gifford, Hoss Johnson, Diana Lass, Leonhard Onumonu, Anthony Besley, Kristian Boyd, Neal Turner, Jerome Jokol, Ken Hawkins, Tim Bezie, Erwan
Apress /2003-07-01 Paperback / 272 Pages
isbn-10: 1590591593 / isbn-13: 9781590591598
Proximal Algorithms (Foundations and Trends(r) in Optimization)
Now Publishers /2014-01-13 Paperback / 130 Pages
isbn-10: 1601987161 / isbn-13: 9781601987167
Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning Via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (Foundations and Trends(r) in Machine Learning)
Boyd, Stephen Parikh, Neal Chu, Eric Peleato, Borja Eckstein, Jonathan
Now Publishers /2011-06-30 Paperback / 140 Pages
isbn-10: 160198460X / isbn-13: 9781601984609
Spencer W. KImball N. Eldon Tanner David B. Haight Rex D. Pinegar G. Homer Durham LeGrand Richards James M. Paramore Bruce R. McConkie Ezra Taft Benson Marvin J. Ashton Neal A. Maxwell Marion D. Hanks Mark E. Petersen Boyd K. Packer Marion G. Romney Barbara B. Smith
Shadow Mountain / Paperback / 154 Pages
isbn-10: 0875793339 / isbn-13: 9780875793337
Living on the Shores of Hawaii: Natural Hazards, the Environment, and Our Communities (Latitude 20 Books (Paperback))
Fletcher, Charles H. Boyd, Robynne Neal, William J. Tice, Virginia
University of Hawaii Press /2010-12-31 Paperback / 384 Pages
isbn-10: 082483433X / isbn-13: 9780824834333
Evaluation of Health Promotion, Health Education, and Disease Prevention Programs with PowerWeb Bind-in Passcard
Windsor, Richard Clark, Noreen Boyd, Neal Richard Goodman, Robert M. Boyd, N. Richard Goodman, Robert
McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages /2003-08-06 Hardcover / 480 Pages
isbn-10: 0072552549 / isbn-13: 9780072552546
The Ensign, Volume 6 Number 5, May 1976
Spencer W. Kimball Thomas S. Monson J. Thomas Fyans Mark E. Petersen David B. Haight S. Dilworth Young John H. Vandenberg Neal A. Maxwell Theodore M. Burton Boyd K. Packer Doyle L. Green
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints /1976T Single Issue Magazine / 144 Pages
Ensign Magazine, Volume 18 Number 5, May 1988
Ezra Taft Benson Neal A. Maxwell Thomas S. Monson David B. Haight James E. Faust Henry B. Eyring M. Russell Ballard Richard G. Scott Boyd K. Packer George R. Hill Hugh W. Pinnock
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints /1988T Single Issue Magazine / 96 Pages
Ensign, Volume 13 Number 5, May 1983
Gordon B. Hinckley Bruce R. McConkie Dean L. Larsen Ezra Taft BEnson Boyd K. Packer Neal A. Maxwell Royden G. Derrick Jeffrey R. Holland Thomas S. Monson Theodore M. Burton M. Russell Ballard
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints /1983T Single Issue Magazine / 96 Pages