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Bodley, Josias books & textbook

Illustrations of Irish History and Topography: Mainly of the Seventeenth Century

Moryson, Fynes  Falkiner, Caesar Litton  Bodley, Josias  Gernon, Luke  

Ulan Press /2012-08-31 Paperback / 510 Pages


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Illustrations of Irish History and Topography

Falkiner, Caesar Litton (1863-1908). Moryson, Fynes (1566-1630). Bodley, Josias  

London : Longmans, Green /1904T Hardcover


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“Collector’s Edition” Illustrations of Irish history and topography, mainly of the seventeenth century 1904 [Premium Leather Bound]

Falkiner, C. Litton (Caesar Litton),Moryson, Fynes,Bodley, Josias, Sir,Gernon, Luke, d.,Brereton, William, Sir,Jouvin, Albert, of Rochefort  

Rare Biblio /2024T Leather Bound / 470 Pages


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