Block, Rene books & textbook
Broken Music: Artists' Recordworks
Block, Ursula Glasmeier, Michael Block, René Block, Ursula Seiffert, Christiane Glasmeier, Michael Adorno, Theodor Dubuffet, Jean Knížák, Milan Moholy-Nagy, László Zeller, Hans Rudolf
Primary Information /2018-11-20 Paperback / 280 Pages
isbn-10: 0991558596 / isbn-13: 9780991558599
Playing by the Rules: Alternative Thinking/ Alternative Spaces
Steven Rand Robert Atkins Julie Ault Rene Block Winslow Burleson Biljana Ciric Renaud Ego Sofija Grandakovska Boris Groys Marina Grzinic Pablo Helguera Naeem Mohaiemen Raphael Rubinstein Irene Tsatsos Steven Rand Heather Kouris
apexart /2010-08-12 Paperback / 176 Pages
isbn-10: 1933347430 / isbn-13: 9781933347431
Boris Lurie: Life with the Dead: 100th Anniversary
Kaumkötter, Jürgen Joseph Lurie, Boris Stein, Gertrude Vostell, Rafael Kaumkötter, Jürgen Joseph Lurie, Boris Vostell, Rafael Block, René Oliva, Achille Bonito Ostrow, Saul
Hatje Cantz /2024-06-04 Hardcover / 233 Pages
isbn-10: 3775756876 / isbn-13: 9783775756877
Oncurating Issue 22: Politics of Display
Richter, Dorothee Mabaso, Nkule Varadinis, Mirjam Ganahl, Rainer Block, Rene Wolfs, Rein Vidokle, Anton Nabergoj, Sasa Scotini, Marco O Neill, Paul
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2014-04-26 Paperback / 96 Pages
isbn-10: 1499275218 / isbn-13: 9781499275216
Record Again!: Part 2 by Ren?de?? Block (2010-04-30)
Hatje Cantz / Hardcover
Bound/Less Borders > First Outdoors Touring Balkan Project 2002 / 2003
Goethe Institute Inter Nationes Belgrade /2002T Paperback / 111 Pages
Joseph Beuys: Aus Berlin: Neues Von Kojoten
Joseph Beuys John Gabriel New York Ronald Feldman Gallery Berlin René Block
Albert Hentrich /1979-11-01 Paperback / 144 Pages
Vostell Automobile
Block, René Rico, Pablo Vostell, Wolf Vostell, Rafael
Wasmuth /2001-05-02 Hardcover / 352 Pages
New York, downtown Manhattan, SoHo: Ausstellungen, Theater, Musik, performance, video, film : 5 September bis 17 Oktober 1976 : [Katalog]
Akademie der Künste /1976T Unknown Binding / 427 Pages
Starter: Works from the Vehbi Koc Foundation Contemporary Art Collection
Arter Space for Art /2010T Paperback / 268 Pages
isbn-10: 9756959363 / isbn-13: 9789756959367