Block, Ludo books & textbook
The Journal of Art Crime [Paperback] [2011] (Author) Mr. Noah Charney, Derek Fincham, Catherine Schofield Sezgin, Ludo Block, Elena Franchi, Christopher Marinello, Donn Zaretsky, David Gill, Diane Joy Charney, Doug Yearwood, Danielle Augustin, John Daab
Noah Charney Derek Fincham Catherine Schofield Sezgin Ludo Block Elena Franchi Christopher Marinello Donn Zaretsky David Gill Diane Joy Charney Doug Yearwood Danielle Augustin John Daab
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform / Paperback
From Politics to Policing: The Rationality Gap in EU Council Policy-Making (The green grass / Het groene gras)
Eleven International Publishing /2011-11-08 Paperback / 368 Pages
isbn-10: 9490947377 / isbn-13: 9789490947378
The Journal of Art Crime
Charney, Mr. Noah Fincham, Derek Sezgin, Catherine Schofield Block, Ludo Franchi, Elena Marinello, Christopher Zaretsky, Donn Gill, David Charney, Diane Joy Yearwood, Doug
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2011-06-28 Paperback / 118 Pages
isbn-10: 1463504314 / isbn-13: 9781463504311
Liaison Officers: Essential Actors in Transnational Policing
Eleven International Publishing /2013-11-26 Paperback / 202 Pages
isbn-10: 9462360340 / isbn-13: 9789462360341