Birkhoff, Garrett books & textbook
A Survey of Modern Algebra (Akp Classics)
Birkhoff, Garrett Mac Lane, Saunders
A K Peters/CRC Press /1998-02-06 Hardcover / 512 Pages
isbn-10: 1568810687 / isbn-13: 9781568810683
American Mathematical Society /1940-12-31 Paperback / 420 Pages
isbn-10: 0821810251 / isbn-13: 9780821810255
Algebra (AMS Chelsea Publishing)
Saunders Mac Lane Garrett Birkhoff
American Mathematical Society /1999-02-11 Hardcover / 626 Pages
isbn-10: 0821816462 / isbn-13: 9780821816462
Survey of Modern Algebra, 3rd Edition
Birkhoff garrett and Saunders Mac Lane
The Macmillian Company /1969T Hardcover / 437 Pages
Jets, wakes, and cavities (Applied mathematics and mechanics)
Academic Press /1957T Hardcover / 353 Pages
Saunders Mac Lane Garrett Birkhoff
American Mathematical Society /2023-10-10 Paperback / 626 Pages
isbn-10: 147047476X / isbn-13: 9781470474768
Birkhoff, Garrett; MacLane, Saunders
Macmillan /1967T Hardcover
isbn-10: 002374300X / isbn-13: 9780023743009
Hydrodynamics (Princeton Legacy Library)
Princeton University Press /2015-12-08 Paperback / 202 Pages
isbn-10: 0691625913 / isbn-13: 9780691625911
Ordinary Differential Equations
Birkhoff, Garrett Rota, Gian-Carlo
John Wiley & Sons /1991-01-16 Paperback / 399 Pages
isbn-10: 0471860034 / isbn-13: 9780471860037
Modern Applied Algebra
Birkhoff, Garrett and Thomas C. Bartee.
McGraw-Hill, /1970T Hardcover / 416 Pages
isbn-10: 0070053812 / isbn-13: 9780070053816