Berger, Anna Maria Busse books & textbook
The Cambridge History of Fifteenth-Century Music (The Cambridge History of Music)
Busse Berger, Anna Maria Rodin, Jesse
Cambridge University Press /2020-01-09 Paperback / 911 Pages
isbn-10: 1108791883 / isbn-13: 9781108791885
Medieval Music and the Art of Memory
University of California Press /2019-10-08 Paperback / 306 Pages
isbn-10: 0520314271 / isbn-13: 9780520314276
The Search for Medieval Music in Africa and Germany, 1891-1961: Scholars, Singers, Missionaries (New Material Histories of Music)
University of Chicago Press /2020-10-30 Hardcover / 360 Pages
isbn-10: 022674034X / isbn-13: 9780226740348
Mensuration and Proportion Signs: Origins and Evolution (Oxford Monographs on Music)
Clarendon Press /1993-03-18 Hardcover / 284 Pages
isbn-10: 0198162308 / isbn-13: 9780198162308
Missionaries, Anthropologists, and Music in the Indonesian Archipelago
Busse Berger, Anna Maria Spiller, Henry
University of California Press /2025-03-18 Paperback / 348 Pages
isbn-10: 0520400569 / isbn-13: 9780520400566
Music and Instruments of the Middle Ages: Essays in Honour of Christopher Page (Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music, 22)
Knighton, Tess Skinner, David Clark, Alice V. Kirkman, Andrew Busse Berger, Anna Maria Young, Crawford Fallows, David Skinner, David Aubrey, Elizabeth Leach, Elizabeth Eva Montagu, Jeremy Caldwell, Professor John Polk, Keith Earp, Lawrence Colton, Professor Lisa Ferreira, Professor Manuel Pedro Lewon, Marc Everist, Mark Strohm, Dr. Reinhard Wegman, Rob Knighton, Tess
Boydell Press /2020-10-16 Hardcover / 510 Pages
isbn-10: 1783275561 / isbn-13: 9781783275564
American Musicological Society : Early History of Proportion Signs; Illibata Dei Vergo Nutrix; Authorship of the Motet Ich Lasse Dich Nicht; Cappella Giulia
Anna Maria Busse Berger Richard Sherr Jeffrey J. Dean Daniel R. Melamed
1988T Journal
American Musicological Society : Chansons of Mathieu Lasson; Improvisation in the Music of Handel; Haynd's Instrumental Works "Englished" for Voice and Piano; Myth of Diminutio Per Tertiam Partem
Ellen T. Harris Richard Freedman Gretchen A. Wheelock Anna Maria Busse Berger
1990T Journal
Music as Social and Cultural Practice: Essays in Honour of Reinhard Strohm
Bucciarelli, Melania Joncus, Berta Zorawska-Witkowska, Alina Shiloah, Amnon Busse Berger, Anna Maria Blackburn, Bonnie Wolff, Christopher Bryant, David Wickham, Edward Quaranta, Elena Harris, Ellen T. Seinci, Emanuele Celestini, Federico Menchelli-Buttini, Francesca Morelli, Giovanni Smith, Janet Bent, Margaret Bucciarelli, Melania Fend, Michael Talbot, Michael Noiray, Michel Dubowy, Norbert Potter, Pamela M. Petrobelli, Pierluigi
Boydell Press /2007-07-19 Hardcover / 464 Pages
isbn-10: 1843833174 / isbn-13: 9781843833178