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Benis M. Frank books & textbook

ESV Study Bible (TruTone, English Saddle, Ornament Design)

ESV Bibles  Alexander, T. Desmond  Harris, Kenneth Laing  Currid, John D.  Kiuchi, Nobuyoshi  Sklar, Jay  Wenham, Gordon  Barker, Paul  Long, V. Philips  Howard Jr., David M.  Bergey, Ronald  Tsmura, David Toshio  Provan, Iain W.  Kelley, Brian  McConville, J. Gordon  Webb, Barry G.  Konkel, August H.  Collins, C. John  Garrett, Duane A.  Rogland, Max  Stewart, Andrew  Ortlund, Ray  House, Paul R.  Reimer, David  Duguid, Iain M.  Wegner, Paul  Vasholz, Robert I.  Aucker, Brian  Oswalt, John  Raabe, Paul R.  Futato, Mark D.  Magary, Dennis R.  Maier III, Walter A.  Baker, David W.  Hugenberger, Gordon P.  Wilkins, Michael J.  Bayer, Hans F.  Grudem, Wayne  Schreiner, Thomas R.  Köstenberger, Andreas J.  Polhill, John B.  Thielman, Frank  Hafemann, Scott J.  Gathercole, Simon J.  Baugh, S. M.  McDonough, Sean M.  Arnold, Clinton E.  Nicholl, Colin R.  Van Neste, Ray  Chapman, David  Osborne, Grant  Oss, Doug  Yarbrough, Robert W.  Johnson, Dennis E.  Dennis, Lane T.  Poythress, Vern S.  Scott Jr., J. Julius  DelHousaye, John C.  Bock, Darrell L.  Dever, Mark  Thoennes, Erik  Heimbach, Daniel R.  Mitchell, C. Ben  Mitchell, Craig Vincent  Doriani, Daniel  Hannah, John  Packer, J. I.  Ryken, Leland  Piper, John  Powlison, David  Hughes, R. Kent  Beckwith, Roger  Hill, Charles E.  Wallace, Daniel B.  Williams, Peter J.  Black, David Alan  Gentry, Peter J.  Allison, Gregg R.  Letham, Robert  Ware, Bruce A.  Netland, Harold  Wilson, Marvin R.  Tennent, Timothy C.  Rhodes, Ron  Barrett, David P.  

Crossway /2024-10-17 Imitation Leather / 2752 Pages
isbn-10: 1433595796 / isbn-13: 9781433595790

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ESV Study Bible, Large Print (TruTone, Olive, Branch Design)

ESV Bibles  Alexander, T. Desmond  Allison, Gregg R.  Arnold, Clinton E.  Aucker, Brian  Baker, David W.  Barker, Paul  Barrett, David P.  Baugh, S. M.  Bayer, Hans F.  Beckwith, Roger  Beitzel, Barry J.  Bergey, Ronald  Black, David Alan  Buchanan, Travis  Bock, Darrell L.  Chapman, David  Collins, C. John  Currid, John D.  Deckard, Bill  DelHousaye, John C.  Dennis, Lane T.  Dever, Mark  Doriani, Daniel  Duguid, Iain M.  Futato, Mark D.  Garrett, Duane A.  Gathercole, Simon J.  Gentry, Peter J.  Grudem, Wayne  Hafemann, Scott J.  Hannah, John  Harris, Kenneth Laing  Heimbach, Daniel R.  Hill, Charles E.  House, Paul R.  Howard Jr., David M.  Hugenberger, Gordon P.  Hughes, R. Kent  Johnson, Dennis E.  Kelley, Brian  Kiuchi, Nobuyoshi  Konkel, August H.  Köstenberger, Andreas J.  Letham, Robert  Long, V. Philips  Magary, Dennis R.  Maier III, Walter A.  McConville, J. Gordon  McDonough, Sean M.  Mitchell, C. Ben  Mitchell, Craig Vincent  Van Neste, Ray  Netland, Harold A.  Nicholl, Colin R.  Ortlund, Ray  Osborne, Grant  Oss, Doug  Oswalt, John  Packer, J. I.  Piper, John  Polhill, John B.  Powlison, David  Poythress, Vern S.  Provan, Iain W.  Raabe, Paul R.  Reimer, David  Rhodes, Ron  Ritmeyer, Leen  Rogland, Max  Ryken, Leland  Schreiner, Thomas R.  Scott Jr., J. Julius  Sklar, Jay A.  Stewart, Andrew  Taylor, Justin  Tennent, Timothy C.  Thielman, Frank  Thoennes, Erik  Tsmura, David Toshio  Vasholz, Robert I.  Wallace, Daniel B.  Ware, Bruce A.  Webb, Barry G.  Wegner, Paul  Wenham, Gordon  Wilkins, Michael J.  Williams, Peter J.  Wilson, Marvin R.  Yarbrough, Robert W.  

Crossway /2024-10-17 Imitation Leather / 3008 Pages
isbn-10: 143359580X / isbn-13: 9781433595806

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ESV Study Bible, Personal Size (TruTone, Brown/Cordovan, Portfolio Design)

ESV Bibles  Alexander, T. Desmond  Harris, Kenneth Laing  Currid, John D.  Kiuchi, Nobuyoshi  Sklar, Jay  Wenham, Gordon  Barker, Paul  Long, V. Philips  Howard Jr., David M.  Bergey, Ronald  Tsmura, David Toshio  Provan, Iain W.  Kelley, Brian  McConville, J. Gordon  Webb, Barry G.  Konkel, August H.  Collins, C. John  Garrett, Duane A.  Rogland, Max  Stewart, Andrew  Ortlund, Ray  House, Paul R.  Reimer, David  Duguid, Iain M.  Wegner, Paul  Vasholz, Robert I.  Aucker, Brian  Oswalt, John  Raabe, Paul R.  Futato, Mark D.  Magary, Dennis R.  Maier III, Walter A.  Baker, David W.  Hugenberger, Gordon P.  Wilkins, Michael J.  Bayer, Hans F.  Grudem, Wayne  Schreiner, Thomas R.  Köstenberger, Andreas J.  Polhill, John B.  Thielman, Frank  Hafemann, Scott J.  Gathercole, Simon J.  Baugh, S. M.  McDonough, Sean M.  Arnold, Clinton E.  Nicholl, Colin R.  Van Neste, Ray  Chapman, David  Osborne, Grant  Oss, Doug  Yarbrough, Robert W.  Johnson, Dennis E.  Dennis, Lane T.  Poythress, Vern S.  Scott Jr., J. Julius  DelHousaye, John  Bock, Darrell L.  Dever, Mark  Thoennes, Erik  Heimbach, Daniel R.  Mitchell, C. Ben  Mitchell, Craig Vincent  Doriani, Daniel  Hannah, John  Packer, J. I.  Ryken, Leland  Piper, John  Powlison, David  Hughes, R. Kent  Beckwith, Roger  Hill, Charles E.  Wallace, Daniel B.  Williams, Peter J.  Black, David Alan  Gentry, Peter J.  Allison, Gregg R.  Letham, Robert  Ware, Bruce A.  Netland, Harold  Wilson, Marvin R.  Tennent, Timothy C.  Rhodes, Ron  Barrett, David P.  

Crossway /2024-06-20 Imitation Leather / 2720 Pages
isbn-10: 1433593238 / isbn-13: 9781433593239

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Conceptualisms: The Anthology of Prose, Poetry, Visual, Found, E- & Hybrid Writing as Contemporary Art

Tomasula, Steve  Amato, Joe  Antin, David  Ashbery, John  Bee, Susan  Bergvall, Caroline  Bernheimer, Kate  Bernstein, Charles  Berry, Ralph M.  Bigelow, Alan  Bök, Christian  Boltin, Kyle  Borsuk, Amaranth  Boully, Jenny  Bouse, Brad  Breeze, Mez  Butler, Blake  Buuck, David  Cape, Douglas  Carpenter, J.R.  Cayley, John  Clark, David  Coover, Robert  Coover, Roderick  Corin, Lucy  Danielewski, Mark Z.  Davis, Lydia  Di Blasi, Debra  Dill, Lesley  Drucker, Johanna  Ducornet, Rikki  DuPlessis, Rachel Blau  Dworkin, Craig  Evenson, Brian  Everett, Percival  Fleisher, Kass  Foer, Jonathan Safran  Gass, William  Gerlovin, Valeriy  Gerlovina, Rimma  Gordon, Noah Eli  Gutherie, Tim  Harryman, Carla  Harwood, Nicola  Hejinian, Lyn  High Muck a Muck Collective  Hoang, Lily  Howe, Susan  Huff, Jason  Huynh, Matt  Jackson, Shelley  Johnston, David Jhave  Kac, Eduardo  Kapil, Bhanu  Kearney, Douglas  Lazer, Hank  Le, Nam  Levine, Stacey  Loh, Thomas  Mackey, Nathaniel  Marcus, Ben  Martone, Michael  Maso, Carole  Mathews, Harry  McCaffery, Steve  McGuire, Richard  Mejia, Michael  Melnick, David  Montfort, Nick  Mullen, Harryette  Nigl, R. Henry  Olsen, Lance  Ouredník, Patrik  Perelman, Bob  Perring, Giles  Phillips, Tom  Place, Vanessa  Plascencia, Salvador  Plenge, Niels  Rankine, Claudia  Rawle, Graham  Rettberg, Scott  Rogaczewski, Frank  Saunders, George  Scalapino, Leslie  Schneiderman, Davis  Siegel, Lee  Smith, Matt  Smith, Steven Ross  Springer, Anna Joy  Strickland, Stephanie  Swensen, Cole  Szilak, Illya  Thurston, Nick  Tillman, Lynne  Tsiboulski, Cyril  Unferth, Deb Olin  Wah, Fred  Wallace, David Foster  Wapp, Bessie  Wilkinson, Joshua Marie  Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries  Yuknavitch, Lidia  Zhang, Jin  

University Alabama Press /2022-02-15 Paperback / 540 Pages
isbn-10: 0817360417 / isbn-13: 9780817360412

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U.S. Marines in Lebanon, 1982-1984

Frank, Benis M.  

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform /2014-05-12 Paperback / 210 Pages
isbn-10: 1499527993 / isbn-13: 9781499527995

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Replacement Parts: The Ethics of Procuring and Replacing Organs in Humans

Caplan, Arthur L.  McCartney, James J.  Reid, Daniel P.  Caplan, Arthur L.  McCartney, James J.  Koppelman, Elysa R.  Truog, Robert D.  Miller, Franklin G.  Halpern, Scott D.  Chaten, Frank C.  Chiong, Winston  Magnus, David  Wilfond, Ben S.  Wojtyła, Karol  Shewmon, D. Alan  Bernat, James L.  Wilkinson, Dominic  Savulescu, Julian  Zeiler, Kristin  Furberg, Elisabeth  Tufveson, Gunnar  Welin, Staffen  Capron, Alexander M.  Zaner, Richard M.  Canadian Paediatric Society  Reid, Daniel P.  Ghods, Ahad J.  Savaj, Shokoufeh  Raz, Amelie  Kohn, Rachel  Rey, Michael  Asch D MBA, David A.  Reese, Peter  Rothman, Sheila M.  Rothman, David J.  Turner, Leigh  Danovitch, Gabriel M.  Leichtman, Alan B.  Mayrhofer-Reinhartshuber, David  Fitzgerald, Robert  Whyte, Kyle Powys  Selinger, Evan  Sadowski, Jathan  Kennedy, Ian  Sells, Robert A.  Daar, Abdallah S.  Guttmann, Ronald D.  Hoffenberg, Raymond  Lock, Michael  Radcliffe-Richards, Janet  Tilney, Nicholas L.  Aksoy, Sahin  Chandler, Jennifer A.  Burkell, Jacquelyn A.  Shemie, Sam D.  Neades, Barbara L.  Serur, David  Charlton, Michael R.  Wallis, Charles Bradley  Samy, Kannan P.  Roth, Alvin Elliot  Rees, Michael A.  Fiore, Kristina  Delmonico, Francis L.  Rhodes, Rosamond  Schiano, Thomas D.  Ardekani, Mohammad Sanaei  Orlowski, Janis M.  

Georgetown University Press /2015-11-01 Paperback / 360 Pages
isbn-10: 1626162360 / isbn-13: 9781626162365

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Victory and Occupation: Volume 5 (History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II, Volume 5)

Benis M. Frank  

The Battery Press /1994T Hardcover / 945 Pages
isbn-10: 0898391997 / isbn-13: 9780898391992

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Victory and Occupation History of the U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II Volume V

Frank, Benis M. ; Shaw, Jr. , Henry I.  

U. S. Government Printing Office /1968T Hardcover


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