book price comparison

Barnes, Charles R. books & textbook

Sermons on John 3:16

J. Sidlow Baxter  F. W. Boreham  Charles Finney  A.T. Pierson  C.H. Spurgeon  R.A. Torrey  and others  Stanley Barnes  

Emerald House Group Inc /1999T Paperback / 150 Pages
isbn-10: 1840300663 / isbn-13: 9781840300666

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The Poison Lady

BARNES, Charles R.  

Phillips Publishing Co. / The Winthrop Press /1914T Paperback


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Handbook of plant morphology, being the Handbook of plant dissection

Arthur, J. C.  Barnes, Charles R.  Coulter, John M.  

Leopold Classic Library /2015-09-01 Paperback / 207 Pages


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Bryological Papers. II. The Origin of the Cupule of Marchantia

Charles R. and Land Barnes  

The University of Chicago Press / Paperback


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Method for estimating low-flow statistics for ungaged streams in the lower Hudson River Basin, New York

Barnes, Charles R.  

University of Michigan Library /1986-01-01 Paperback / 36 Pages


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Lyof Tolstoy: An Anthology

Arnold J. Toynbee  Enest Barnes  Charles R. Joy  

Beacon Press /1958T Hardcover / 254 Pages


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