Baldwin, Hanson books & textbook
Danger Forward: The Story Of The First Division In World War II
Knickerbocker, H R Thompson, Jack Baldwin, Hanson
Kessinger Publishing /2010-09-10 Paperback / 496 Pages
isbn-10: 1163152668 / isbn-13: 9781163152669
Tiger Jack
Hanson W. Baldwin Jacob L. Devers
Old Army Press /1979T Hardcover / 198 Pages
isbn-10: 0883420597 / isbn-13: 9780883420591
International Education at the Crossroads (Well House Books)
Cohn, Deborah N. Kahn, Hilary E. McRobbie, Michael A. Coleman, Mary Sue Coleman, Kenneth O'Meara, Patrick Helms, Robin Matross Jones, Elspeth de Wit, Hans Egron-Polak, Eva Fanton, Jonathan Hanson, Stephen E. Olds, Kris Gille, Zsuzsa Kim, Seung-Kyung Edwards, Brian Geisdorfer Feal, Rosemary Davidson, Dan E. Baldwin, Daryl Potowski, Kim Marmolejo, Francisco Masri, Safwan M. Levander, Caroline Claussen, Kathleen Manuh, Takyiwaa Goodman, Allan E. Whitehead, Dawn Michele Gibbs, Cheryl Koliha, Anthony Renuart, General Gene
Well House Books /2021-05-11 Hardcover / 296 Pages
isbn-10: 0253053900 / isbn-13: 9780253053909
Thud Ridge
Jack Broughton Hanson W. Baldwin
Baxter Press /1996T Paperback / 286 Pages
isbn-10: 1888237090 / isbn-13: 9781888237092
Sea fights and shipwrecks;: True tales of the seven seas
Hanover House /1956T Hardcover / 216 Pages
The price of power
Pub. for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper /1947T Hardcover / 361 Pages
Command Decisions
Kent Roberts (General Editor) (Hanson W. Baldwin, Editor) Greenfield
Office of Chief of MIlitary History Department of the Army /1960T Hardcover / 565 Pages
Battles Lost and Won;: Great Campaigns of World War II
Harper & Row /2000-04T Hardcover / 532 Pages
isbn-10: 1568520107 / isbn-13: 9781568520100