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Allan H. Harvey books & textbook

Christ or Caesar: Church and Nation in Christian Perspective

Harvey, Allan H.  Hofmann, Carl S.  

Barmen Publishing /2023-04-17 Paperback / 101 Pages


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Global Backlash: Citizen Initiatives for a Just World Economy (New Millennium Books in International Studies)

Broad, Robin  Academic Consortium on International Trade  Acheson, Dean  Action Canada Network  Alliance for Responsible Trade  Annan, Kofi  Athreya, Bama  Barlow Council of the Canadians, Maude  Bello, Walden  Buchanan chairman The American Ca, Patrick J.  Burtless, Gary  Cavanagh, John  Charle, Suzanne  Church, Frank  Citizens Trade Campaign  Collingsworth, Terry  Collins, Joseph  Compa, Lance  Conroy, Michael  Cook, Maria Lorena  Coordinadora de Defensa del Agua y de la Vida  Durning, Alan  Ericson, Rose Benz  Forest Stewardship Council  Fuentes, Homero  Gelinas, Jacques B.  Gorelick, Steven  Hale, Angela  Harvey, Pharis  Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan  Heckscher, Zahara  Hemispheric Social Alliance  Hensman, Rohini  International Confederation of Free Trade Unions  International Forum on Globalization  Jubilee South  Khor, Martin  Lappe, Francis Moore  Lawrence, Robert Z.  Levi Strauss & Co  Levinson, Jerome I.  Litan, Robert E.  Marcos, Subcomandante  Masih, Iqbal  Meltzer, Allan H.  Merrifield, Todd  Mexican Action Network on Free Trade  Norberg-Hodge, Helena  Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology  Rifkin, Jeremy  Rodney, Walter  Round, Robin  Scholars Against Sweatshop Labor  Shapiro, Robert J.  Smith, Dennis  Sweeney, John J.  Taw-il, Wada  Underwood, Blair  United Nations General Assembly  United States of America  Weisbrot, Mark  

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers /2002-03-20 Paperback / 352 Pages
isbn-10: 0742510344 / isbn-13: 9780742510340

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ASME International Steam Tables For Industrial Use (CRTD)

Parry, William T.  Bellows, James C.  Gallagher, John S.  Harvey, Allan H.  

Amer Society of Mechanical /2009-01-01 Paperback / 283 Pages
isbn-10: 0791802809 / isbn-13: 9780791802809

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Variability in Employment, Prices, and Money (Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, Volume 19)

Sherwin Rosen  Dale T. Mortensen  Boyan Jovanovic  Alex Cukierman  Richard W. Parks  Harvey Cutler  Hans-Jurg Buttler  Kurt Schiltknecht  Eduard J. Bomhoff  Herschel I. Grossman  Karl Brunner  Allan H. Meltzer  

North-Holland /1983T Hardcover / 315 Pages


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The Public Interest Special Issue 1980: The Crisis in Economic Theory

Kenneth J. Arrow  Daniel Bell  Israel M. Kirzner  James W. Dean  Paul Davidson  Allan H. Meltzer  Peter F. Drucker  Irving Kristol  Edward J. Nell  Mark H. Willes  Harvey Leibenstein  Frank Hahn  

National Affairs Inc. /1980T Single Issue Magazine


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Criaturas: Relatos de humor y terror con seres fantásticos (En serio) (Spanish Edition)

Fryer Harvey, William  Bierce, Ambrose  Wells, H.G.  Jacobs, W.W.  Allan Poe, Edgar  Benson, E.F.  Bellamy, Elizabeth  Jerome, Jerome K.  Manzano, Manuel  Vizcaíno Boira, Emma  

La Fuga Ediciones, S.L. /2019-10-28 Paperback / 186 Pages
isbn-10: 8494888161 / isbn-13: 9788494888168

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Biodiversity of the Southern Carnarvon Basin [Records of the Western Australian Museum. No. 61]

Burbidge, Allan H.; Harvey, Mark S.; McKenzie, N. L., eds  

Western Australian Museum, Perth, W.A /2000T Hardcover
isbn-10: 0730757803 / isbn-13: 9780730757801

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Evaluation and Correlation of Steam Solubility Data for Salts and Minerals of Interest in the Power Industry (Classic Reprint)

Allan H. Harvey  

Forgotten Books /2018-08-24 Hardcover / 98 Pages
isbn-10: 0331398478 / isbn-13: 9780331398472

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