Alfonso Cardinal Lopez Trujillo books & textbook
The truth and meaning of human sexuality
Pontifical Council for the Family Alfonso Cardinal Lopez Trujillo John F. McCarthy Father Paul Marx
Wanderer Press / Human Life Internationl /1996T Paperback / 95 Pages
The Case Against Condoms: The Scientific and Moral Basis for the Teaching of the Catholic Church on Preventing the Spread of Disease
Alfonso Cardinal Lopez Trujillo Brian Clowes Ph.D.
Human Life International /2006-01-01 Paperback / 72 Pages
isbn-10: 1559220511 / isbn-13: 9781559220514
Lexicon: Ambiguous and Debatable Terms Regarding Family Life and Ethical Questions
Michel Schooyans Alfonso Cardinal Lopez Trujillo William E. May Angelo Scola Elio Sgreccia Brian Clowes
Human Life International /2006-01-01 Hardcover
isbn-10: 1559220503 / isbn-13: 9781559220507