Albert Pesso books & textbook
Moving Psychotherapy: Theory and Application of Pesso System/Psychomotor Therapy
Brookline Books /2000T Hardcover / 306 Pages
isbn-10: 0914797727 / isbn-13: 9780914797722
La Terapia Pesso-Boyden (PBSP) (Maestros de la psicoterapia) (Spanish Edition)
Pesso, Albert Boyden Pesso, Diane Perquin MD.PhD, Lowijs
EDITORIAL ELEFTHERIA SL /2011-09-23 Paperback / 391 Pages
isbn-10: 8493527491 / isbn-13: 9788493527495
Movement in Psychotherapy: Psychomotor Techniques and Training
see notes for publisher info /1969T Hardcover / 221 Pages
isbn-10: 0340118644 / isbn-13: 9780340118641
Experience in Action: A Psychomotor Psychology
New York University Press /1973-10-01 Hardcover / 263 Pages
isbn-10: 0814765599 / isbn-13: 9780814765593
Energy & Character - Volume 19 N. 2: August 1988 - International Journal of Biosynthesis
Boadella, David Pesso, Albert Davis, Will Sinatra, Stephen Lowen, Alexander Meitzof, Judith Ennis Brown, Katherine Rispoli, Luciano Andriello, Barbara Marlock, Gustl
Independently published /2020-11-02 Paperback / 90 Pages
Die Bühnen des Bewusstseins Oder: Werden, wer wir wirklich sind
isbn-10: 3932096576 / isbn-13: 9783932096570
Dramaturgie des Unbewußten. Eine Einführung in die psychomotorische Therapie.
Klett-Cotta /J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfo /1986-01-01 Paperback / 215 Pages
isbn-10: 3608954228 / isbn-13: 9783608954227