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ISBN 3847109790 books & textbook

Prayer, Pop and Politics: Researching Religious Youth in Migration Society (Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society)

Limacher, Katharina  Mattes, Astrid  Novak, Christoph  Tunger-Zanetti, Andreas  Martens, Silvia  Endres, Jurgen  Hyokki, Linda  Hafez, Farid  Evolvi, Giulia  Khaliefi, Rebekka  Odermatt, Anastas  Wetzel, Jana  Loth, Martina  Tepeli, Aysel  Mattes, Astrid  Novak, Christoph  Limacher, Katharina  Lohlker, Rudiger  

V&R Unipress /2019-04-15 Hardcover / 288 Pages
isbn-10: 3847109790 / isbn-13: 9783847109792

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