Science for Kids books & textbook
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Essentials of Polarized Light Microscopy and Ancillary Techniques
McCrone Group, Inc. /2019-09-09 Hardcover / 702 Pages
isbn-10: 0578527839 / isbn-13: 9780578527833
The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Policy and Global Affairs Board on Higher Education and Workforce Committee on Effective Mentoring in STEMM Dahlberg, Maria Lund Byars-Winston, Angela
National Academies Press /2020-01-24 Paperback / 306 Pages
isbn-10: 0309497299 / isbn-13: 9780309497299
Exploring Science Throughout the Year: Daily Science Workbook (Combined Series Edition) for the Entire Year | Grades 4-5: Life, Earth, Space, and ... and Ace the Class | Classroom and Homeschool
Independently published /2024-09-13 Hardcover / 350 Pages
Partizipation in der offenen Ganztagsschule: Pädagogische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde zu Bewegungs-, Spiel- und Sportangeboten (Bildung und Sport, 3) (German Edition)
Derecik, Ahmet Kaufmann, Nils Neuber, Nils
Springer VS /2013-05-01 Paperback / 240 Pages
isbn-10: 3531196928 / isbn-13: 9783531196923
Disciplinary Literacy and Gamified Learning in Elementary Classrooms: Questing Through Time and Space (Springer Texts in Education)
Haas, Leslie Metzger, Michelle Tussey, Jill T.
Springer /2022-02-05 Paperback / 192 Pages
isbn-10: 3030803481 / isbn-13: 9783030803483
Physics the Waldorf Way: Grades 6-8: A Manual for Teachers
Lystra Books & Literary Services, LLC /2016-04-08 Paperback / 360 Pages
isbn-10: 0986151610 / isbn-13: 9780986151613
Tutorials In Introductory Physics and Homework Package
McDermott, Lillian Shaffer, Peter
Pearson /2001-08-20 Paperback / 9998 Pages
isbn-10: 0130970697 / isbn-13: 9780130970695
Exploring Protein Structure: Principles and Practice (Learning Materials in Biosciences)
Springer /2018-07-14 Paperback / 265 Pages
isbn-10: 3319768573 / isbn-13: 9783319768571
Higher Order Thinking in Science Classrooms: Students’ Learning and Teachers’ Professional Development (Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education, 22)
Springer /2004-02-29 Paperback / 260 Pages
isbn-10: 1402018533 / isbn-13: 9781402018534
Erziehungswissenschaftliche Diskursforschung: Empirische Analysen zu Bildungs- und Erziehungsverhältnissen (Interdisziplinäre Diskursforschung) (German Edition)
Fegter, Susann Kessl, Fabian Langer, Antje Ott, Marion Rothe, Daniela Wrana, Daniel
Springer VS /2015-04-22 Paperback / 407 Pages
isbn-10: 3531187376 / isbn-13: 9783531187372